Month: November 2016

“I’m a Rogue Archaeologist. You Have to Expect a Little Digging”: The Many Reasons Why You Should Be Excited for the Doctor Aphra Comic Series

Doctor Aphra Comic Series Excitement Article HeaderWhen Doctor Aphra was initially introduced in Darth Vader issue #3, it didn’t take long for myself and many others to fall in love with the character. Twenty plus comic issues since, the enjoyment and excitement that comes from her being on the page hasn’t waned and has only grown even more and more. It recently reached a fever-pitch since the dual revelation she survives her time with Vader and will have her very own ongoing series, but for those who have yet to enjoy her special brand of snark, wit, and love for weapons, you’re probably wondering why exactly fans like myself are so damn enthusiastic this rogue archaeologist persists. Check out below why you too should be jumping over ewoks in joy at the upcoming Doctor Aphra series!  Continue reading ““I’m a Rogue Archaeologist. You Have to Expect a Little Digging”: The Many Reasons Why You Should Be Excited for the Doctor Aphra Comic Series”

Legendary Adventures: The Old Republic: Deceived (Revisited)

 Legendary Adventures Deceived Old Republic Essential Legends Collection 1

-Spoiler Review-

It’s hard to know, at the beginning of an adventure, what types of perils and troubles you will face on any journey. The Legendary Adventures have been no different: from exploding temples, to destruction in space, through hand to hand combat, against droids and clones, I have been wearied and delayed in relaying my last report. But wait no longer: read my experience of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived! Continue reading “Legendary Adventures: The Old Republic: Deceived (Revisited)”

Star Wars Rebels Review: “The Wynkahthu Job”

The Wynkahthu Job

Spoiler Review –

Star Wars Rebels‘ latest, “The Wynkahthu Job,” took me by surprise with an entertaining premise, complex ending action sequence that recalled Indiana Jones films, and tons of humor (thanks mostly to the return of Hondo Ohnaka), making for an enjoyable and exciting episode. Continue reading “Star Wars Rebels Review: “The Wynkahthu Job””

Canon Comic Review: Han Solo #5

Han Solo #5

– Spoiler Review –

In Han Solo #5, Han’s mission to bring back Rebellion spies is on its last leg as the Empire has arrived to end the Dragon Void Run once and for all. Marjorie Liu wraps up her take on Han in this expertly done finale to a solidly entertaining and insightful miniseries, while Mark Brooks and Sonia Oback stun one last time in the art department. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Han Solo #5”

Star Wars Rebels Review: “Iron Squadron”

Star Wars Rebels Season Three Iron Squadron

Spoiler Review –

In Star Wars Rebels‘ “Iron Squadron,” the crew ends up assisting a “ship full of Ezras” in their fight against the Empire and an intriguing connection between Thrawn and a member of Phoenix Squadron is revealed. Continue reading “Star Wars Rebels Review: “Iron Squadron””

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #25

Star Wars #25

– Spoiler Review –

With Star Wars issue #25, “The Last Flight of the Harbinger”  comes to an end, and even if it’s a snappy, action-packed issue, it’s not enough to save this arc from being one of the series’ first disappointing ones. However I did find something else to enjoy about this issue: there’s a bonus one-shot story made in honor of Kenny Baker, the actor who brought R2-D2 to life for so many years. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #25”

Canon Novel Review: Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel

Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel

Spoiler Review –

Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, written by James Luceno, is an important prequel to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, as it charts the earliest days of the Death Star, how important the parents of Jyn, Galen and Lyra Erso, are to the project, and just how Orson Krennic fits among what we already know regarding the superweapon. While it might lack a lot of action, its true strength distracts from that omission: the fully-realized, well-written, and engaging characters and their interpersonal relationships. The tale of Catalyst feels complete, even though the ending is obvious from lightyears away, but as the saying goes, “It’s about the journey, not the destination,” and that is truly what makes this novel such a great read, prequel status to Rogue One notwithstanding. Continue reading “Canon Novel Review: Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel”

Darth Maul Comic Series Set to Unleash the Sith in February 2017

Darth Maul Comic Series LogoYou cut a guy in half and you’d think that’d be the end of it, but if Darth Maul has proven anything over the past 7 years, it’ll take a helluva lot more to put him down. While we’re currently exploring his extended fate in Star Wars Rebels’ 3rd season, next year we’ll be treated to a comic series exploring his past pre-The Phantom Menace. While there isn’t enough information yet for me to really feel one way or another regarding Darth Maul, check out the details released so far below the cut. Continue reading “Darth Maul Comic Series Set to Unleash the Sith in February 2017”

Canon Comic Review: Poe Dameron #8

Poe Dameron #8

– Spoiler Review –

After a fun and thoroughly entertaining side story, the Poe Dameron comic returns the titular character back to the main storyline of the new arc, “The Gathering Storm,” in issue #8. There’s a lot of setup for the mission ahead for Poe, but the real focus is on the exciting history lesson regarding Agent Terex’s past and how nice it is to have Phil Noto back, while this series continues its efforts at out Star Wars-ing the mainline series Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Poe Dameron #8”

Star Wars Rebels Review: “Imperial Supercommandos”

Star Wars Rebels Season Three Imperial Supercommandos

Spoiler Review –

In Star Wars Rebels S3’s latest, “Imperial Supercommandos” Sabine gets caught back up in Mandalorian affairs, a new member is added to the growing rogues gallery, and a surprising ally joins the Rebellion. While “Supercommandos” is the second Sabine-centric episode that doesn’t build her character but at least continues to reaffirm her characterization, it’s still her best episode of the season yet and has some of the most exciting action sequences of S3 to boot. Continue reading “Star Wars Rebels Review: “Imperial Supercommandos””