Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #72

Star Wars #72

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #72 feels and acts like the mid-point of the series’ final arc, propelling each storyline with our heroes into their next and final phases.

Star Wars 72 Full CoverEarlier in the Threepio and Chewbacca blow up a planet to take a chunk out of the Empire plotline, as the duo debated the rock people’s sentience, the issue was also trying to comment on how the two sidekicks, one a droid and one a giant, walking carpet, often are overlooked both in-universe and by creatives in our universe across various materials. As Threepio gets roped into talking to the Rock Elders on Vader and the Empire’s behalf, the way Vader and the Empire easily dismisses nor bothers to question who he really belongs to only highlights the ways droids are often dismissed by the galaxy at large. It’s something the excellent droid character L3-37, especially in her Last Shot appearances, fought against, trying to bring attention to the fact her people were just as sentient, programming or not, and deserved some rights too. In a strange way, had she gotten those rights, Threepio wouldn’t fly under the radar here, though considering Anakin helped rebuild Threepio and not too long ago Threepio was captured and Vader was involved (in this series, no less!) you’d think he’d notice who he was dealing with, and the fact he doesn’t goes a whole lot further to show how insignificant droids can viewed, while on the flip side we have Poe Dameron scratching BB-8’s belly like he’s a dog, so it’s not all terrible, but Poe is the outlier, not Vader. But the deeper discussion and concepts don’t stop there, as Vader and Threepio discuss the rock people and their amount of sentience, and while Vader compares them to droids about a lack of emotion, he also sees them as another form he can bend to his will. And while Threepio told Chewie to continue to set the explosives once Vader arrived last issue, between Threepio’s words about the rock people’s sentience (as he has his mic open so Chewie can hear what is going on) and the child-sized rock person just hanging out with Chewie, the Wookiee decides to undo their work to save the newly discovered people! But the Empire finds Chewie, and while he makes short work of the stormtroopers, Vader sees an opportunity: capture Chewie and lure Skywalker to him! We all know Chewie will come out alive, but the how and why could be impressive, funny, and one of the things I’m most looking forward to in the final issues of this arc; this has been my favorite thread since the beginning and it looks to be getting even better from here!

Fresh off a revitalizing bank robbery, the results of Warba’s training have spoken for themselves and Luke is eager to continue his mission and learn more from her, but Warba’s true intentions, as glimpsed last issue, stop it short. It’s hard to know if everything Warba is telling Luke, and therefore us, is the truth, but considering her knowing the Guardian of the Whills mantra, the reveal she grew up by the Kyber Temple on Jedha, through the good and horrible, final days, might be a verifiable truth. And somehow it looks like she does have the Force too, as she whirls some dust around in front of Luke, but she’s obviously taken the path to use them only for personal gain, if ever. In a way it reminds me a bit of Kanan Jarrus and his time grifting before joining the Rebellion, as while he ultimately used his abilities for good in his darker days, he rarely used them, so with Warba we’re seeing what happens when a Force-user doesn’t embrace the bigger picture, but one can always argue the Force works in mysterious ways and maybe, despite her actions, she’s exactly what Luke needs to deal with at this moment in time. I loved Luke’s enthusiasm, still left over from the bank robbery, about going out and helping others, and it shows just how naive and young he once was, especially that he got tricked by Warba just long enough for her to make off with the loot and his lightsaber. I can hear Ghost Obi-Wan now, “This weapon is your life,” haunting Luke as he rushes to get back his father’s blade.

Poor, lovestruck Han Solo. As Dar Champion and Leia agree to and scheme how to send messages to make Boss Carpo attack the Empire, instead of bringing the fight to Lanz Carpo and potentially hurt a lot of innocent bystanders, their romantic history shows itself as they hold hands and get close…too close for Han’s liking. Distracted by his jealousy instead of fitting in at the dance party, though could Han ever fit into one of those, Han doesn’t see the recovered Carpo guards until they’re close enough to sucker punch him, dragging him away for a personal meeting with Boss Carpo. This usually wouldn’t be a terrible situation for Han to be in, but Leia is too distracted by the mission, and maybe Dar a little, to notice Han being taken, so not only does she not have a clue where he’s headed, she and Dar just sent some dubious messages which will cause Boss Carpo to leave the planet, with Han in tow! How Leia and Dar manage to rescue Han should be fun to watch over the next few issues of the arc!

From that gorgeous movie poster-like cover, the close-up shots of Luke and Warba as she finds the next best way to trick him, Vader being dwarfed by the rock people and still thinking he can control them, to Han looked befuddled about Dar and Leia, Phil Noto is the gift that keeps on giving on art!

Here are a few other things:

  • One month we’re learning the Star Wars series is ending with issue #75 and the next month it’s all of the first phase of Marvel’s comics are coming to an end with one-shot Empire Ascendant, out in December! Since NYCC is this weekend, I expect we’ll learn what’s part of the next phase, likely a relaunch of the Star Wars title in a new era with a new #1.

While a lot of the stories are transitioning to their next stages in Star Wars #72, it’s still another fun-filled issue.

+ Luke’s enthusiasm…and gullibility 

+ Threepio and Chewie’s storyline, especially the subtext

+ Poor, lovestruck Han

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website @MynockManor.

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