Canon Comic Review: Jedi: Fallen Order – Dark Temple #3

Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple #3

– Spoiler Review –

Cere Junda rushes head first into confrontation once again, though she finds a surprising block in her path and a new way forward in Jedi: Fallen Order – Dark Temple #3.

Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple 3 Full CoverCere has proven subtleties and subterfuge aren’t her strong suits, and in this latest issue, she leads the Fylari on the offensive against the Ontotho/Daa Corp excavators invading the Fylari land. While they target only the droids, leaving any humans alive, the attack only serves to escalate the tensions between both sides, as a reprisal from Daa Corp’s droids brings the battle right to the Fylari home, putting their children in danger. As important as it was to stop them illegally encroaching on their land, eventually the larger force in the situation will win, something many of the Fylari are concerned about. Cere is so sure of the righteousness of the cause, she continues to charge in, leading a mission into Ontotho city to take over a comm unit and bring in the help of the Jedi Council. If we were dealing with most other Jedi in this situation(aka not Anakin or Obi-Wan), the story would either still have the Jedi on the Ontothos’ side or wouldn’t even be as close to another confrontation as Cere, so while her brashness has some unintended consequences, it gets the ball rolling…though maybe a little too far. Cere confronts Daa in her attempt to use his comms, only for her Master, reported dead, to appear and stop her.

I’ve had some concerns and theories that Master Eno Cordova would turn out to be evil or used as leverage against Cere during the events of the game, Jedi: Fallen Order, and the way Eno talks upon seeing Cere still alive, almost sounding like he was brainwashed by Daa, things certainly looked to be heading the evil way. However, after Eno manages to convince Daa Corp and the Fylari into a truce, he reveals he’s playing a much larger game, pretending to take Daa’s side to stay alive, so he can orchestrate the situation to his advantage. He’s curious why the Temple in Fylar is so important to both sides of the struggle and the truce gives him and Cere the opportunity to go explore it! Jedi: Fallen Order – Dark Temple #3’s reveal regarding Eno’s fate and plans is the jolt both the series and Cere needed, propelling her away from starting a conflict they have no hope of winning and giving the series a boost towards exploring the mysteries surrounding the titular Dark Temple. At the same time in the post-Order 66 set framing story, the Second Sister Inquisitor has found the buried steps to the Temple, so both tales shall see their respective characters journey into the unknown.

Matthew Rosenberg’s writing has really propelled the series along and kept me invested due to the intriguing characters and big mysteries. Paolo Villianelli’s art, with Arif Prianto for colors, continues to impress once again, especially in the frantic, but discernible action sequences. I love the look of desperation, stress, and frustration build up on Cere’s face when dealing with Daa, while Eno’s calm is a stark juxtaposition between the two Jedi. Considering we have no idea what lies inside the Temple, I can’t wait to see what this art team whips up for us within its walls…

Here are a few other things:

  • The most recent trailer for Jedi: Fallen Order delves a lot more into the mysteries of its story and the Second Sister’s relentless pursuit of the main character.
  • The 4th issue of this miniseries releases next month, the Wednesday before the game comes out, so it’ll be interesting to see if something in the game will spoil events in the final issue of the comic or the 4th issue will offer some hints/background to something coming in the game. Of course my biggest question is how/where/when/why will Eno Cordova appear in the game? We’ll know in about a month!

Jedi: Fallen Order – Dark Temple #3 shifts the board for all the characters as we head into the unknown (and final two issues).

+ Cere’s brashness

+ Eno’s appearance and double-dealings

+ Into the Temple we go!

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website @MynockManor.

#1 | #2 | #4 | #5

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