Canon Comic Review: Vader – Dark Visions #4

Vader Dark Visions #4

Vader – Dark Visions is back with issue #4 and after the abysmal issue #3, which I felt was a more damning moment to have this series cancelled than anything Chuck Wendig said to get fired/his series cancelled by cowardly Editor Mark Paniccia, this series can’t escape its own shadow, let alone the shadow of what brought it to life.

Much like the first two issues, the story here doesn’t really tell us anything interesting or new about the Dark Lord other than what we already can surmise from his other, far more interesting appearances. I highly recommend looking no further than Vader Down for a great several issues revealing why the Rebellion, from its pilots to its soldiers, fear Vader, instead of reading this issue.

If there’s been one thing I’ve actually enjoyed from this series, it’s the artists who have been involved (though even my praise for issue #3’s art is tainted after a recent, yikes worthy interview). For issue #4, we have Stephen Mooney on art and Lee Loughridge on colors, a team I’d actually wish to see again and elsewhere, if possible. Mooney and Loughridge combine together for some darker, grittier looking panels, which have a real weight to them, while the framing for smaller, character moments and the clarity in the dog fight at the end, something that hasn’t quite translated well before with other artists, is commendable.

Vader – Dark Visions #4 doesn’t help the series’ case for its existence.

Can’t escape it’s freshly cast long shadow

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website @MynockManor.

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