Gaming Overload: LEGO The Skywalker Saga, Star Wars Squadrons, and Batuu Sims Expansion Trailers Revealed

Yaddle in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

When it rains, it porgs, I guess, as new trailers and details dropped for several pieces of upcoming Star Wars gaming goodness: Our first concrete look at Lego The Skywalker Saga arrived, with Yaddle front and center so it’s already perfect, though it came with a delay notice to 2021; Star Wars Squadrons’ single-player received a compelling preview that has me eager for its release; and Sims 4 goes to…Batuu?? This might be the only way some of us will ever go to Galaxy’s Edge so get ready to get your dance on virtually. Trailers and more details below!

I’ve been waiting to see some of Squadrons‘ singe player and while this was only one mission, with some previews of others and the larger story, it was more than enough to make me truly excited for this game. Does it have to mainly do with GRAND ADMIRAL RAE SLOANE speaking for the first time, having been in the books since 2014? Probably, but even more so, it’s about seeing the Starhawk ships, which are vital to the New Republic victory at Jakku, come to fruition, despite the best attempts of the Empire, while getting to hang with General Hera Syndulla and other pilots and run fun missions in a flight-sim-lite package. Sign this pilot up for duty when it launches October 2!

I was big into the LEGO Star Wars games when they first came out, spending countless hours playing it with friends or by myself, but after I went all out on LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars’ ‘Ground Battles’ just to get a Trophy on PlayStation, I was bricked out (though I acknowledge that was my choice, not the game’s). I tried the LEGO The Force Awakens demo and just couldn’t get behind it, though I liked some of the newer aspects to it. And now here we are, August 2020 and I am so eager to play a new LEGO Star Wars game! This trailer makes it feel like this game is exactly what The Skywalker Saga needs now that it’s finished: something reverent but also goofy and fun. The Deluxe Edition comes with a corny but actually rather neat slipcase cover that basically unmasks Darth Vader, and includes access to some DLC characters, which might be a good deal in the long run because who knows how much those will cost. Spring 2021 is its new release window, so hopefully it’s earlier in the spring than later! Thankfully, we’ll get some LEGO Star Wars goodness sooner than that, as the Holiday Special hits Disney+ November 17!

Porgs Messing with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

And then Sims 4 gets the “Journey to Batuu” pack, which features lightsaber building, Resistance spy Vi Moradi, Rey Skywalker, and Kylo Ren, alongside the ability not to pay to eat Bantha Poodoo (not actually an item at Galaxy’s Edge!). This might be the cheapest way to experience the park for many fans and, as someone who has never been into the Sims, might just make me check this out on September 8.

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor.

Star Wars Squadrons Gameplay Revealed!
Star Wars Squadrons Provides Space Combat This October
E3 2019: Jedi: Fallen Order Gameplay, New Details Revealed, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Announced

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