Legendary Adventures: Crosscurrent

legendary adventures 113 Crosscurrent1

While the galaxy suffers from the effects of Darth Caedus, Sith Lords of old threaten to re-emerge on the galactic scene. Can Jedi Knight Jaden Korr save the galaxy – one that doesn’t even know how much more danger it is in? Join the Legendary Adventures as we read Crosscurrent!

5,ooo years ago, during the Great Hyperspace War, the Jedi and the Sith were fighting a war that felt endless. Led by Naga Sadow, the Sith were looking for any single way they can gain an edge over the Jedi. In the Phaegon system, the Sith mined from a frozen moon. There, a Sith named Saes Rrogon discovered lignan, a material that helps Sith connect to the dark side. Lignan both boosts the strength of a user and their ability to tap into the dark side of the Force, and it helps them hide themselves in the Dark Side. Rrogon is confronted by two Jedi, and the Jedi sabotague Rrogon’s ship, the Harbinger, and everyone suffers catastrophic loses. The Jedi Master, Relin Druur, loses an arm and is exposed to radiation; his new Padawan dies in a collision; and the whole ship is launched into hyperspace….but not to a new destination, but to a new time. The ship emerges from hyperspace five-thousand years from their first battle…

In the “present” time, Jedi of all sorts are having terrifying visions of dark forces. Luke Skywalker has a vision of a dark man sitting on a throne of evil, one which he, at the time, believes to be Darth Caedus. Jedi Knight Jaden Korr has a Force vision that brings a warning (through avatars of famous Jedi and Sith like Mara Jade Skywalker and Dark Lady Lumiya). These warnings put the Jedi on edge, as they believe the Sith were wiped out with the death of Darth Caedus. Jaden hires two salvagers to go to the Unknown Regions, looking for a frozen moon.

There, they wind up in a plot much greater than they could have expected. Jaden’s Force vision, and evidence collected by the smugglers, Khedryn Faal and Marr Idi-Shael, lead them to the frozen moon in the Phaegon system. As they arrive, Rrogon’s ship also arrives, towing an escape pod with Relin Druur inside. The Sith opens fire on the Jedi, sending out fighters, but the salvagers repel the attack and go into hiding. They then find themselves entangled in yet another plot, one led by Darth Wyyrlok, a member of the One Sith. The One Sith are the descendants of the Lost Tribe of the Sith, Sith Lords who escaped the destruction of Naga Sadow’s army. Wyyrlok has hired an assassin to watch the frozen planet, and the assassin, Kell Duoro believes that by feeding on Jaden, he can gain access to immense power.

CrosscurrentBut these aren’t the only plots that start to come together in this strange meeting. Jaden Korr and one of the salvagers, Khedryn, go to the frozen moon to see what the Force vision had been warning him of. There, they discover a former Imperial cloning facility. Inside, they see remnants of the cloning system that essentially birthed the mad clone Jorruus C’baoth, where the Imperial scientists were trying to create new life forms with the DNA of both Jedi and Sith. The clones went mad, unable to contain the power that raged through them thanks to be created out of a mad experiment itself, and most were found dead. This lead to two confrontations: first, Jaden fights a surviving clone, which comes at the cost of a few of his own fingers. Khedryn also fights the assassin, killing him. Unfortunately, Duoro’s ship is left unattended, and some of the mad clones survive and escape with the help of his ship.

The ancient Jedi Relin, and one of the salvagers, travels to the Harbinger to confront Rrogon. They encounter Rrogon there, and Relin and Rrogon engage in a battle. The battle shows off immense levels of power, as Relin is tapping into both the light and dark sides of the Force, knowing that he is lost. Rrogon is powered by the lignan ore, and his power has grown to an absolutely immense amount. Both, though, are weakened, and their battle with the Force seemingly ends with their deaths and the loss of the Harbinger. Relin sacrifices himself to kill Rrogon and destroy the lignan, hoping to remove the material from the galaxy forever with their deaths.

In light of this, Jaden Korr takes on Marr, the salvager, as an apprentice. While it seems like the threat has abated, the Jedi must ask themselves – have they seen the end of the Sith? Or are they caught in a much darker riptide than they could’ve imagined?

You can follow Chris on Twitter @ChrisWerms, and of course, you can follow the Manor on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor!

Essential Legends Collection: Revan | Deceived | Darth Bane: Path of Destruction | Darth Bane: Rule of Two | Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil | Darth Plagueis | Shatterpoint | Kenobi | Rogue Squadron | Rogue Squadron: Wedge’s Gamble | Rogue Squadron: The Bacta War | Heir to the Empire | Dark Force Rising | The Last Command | Yoda: Dark Rendezvous | Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void |  Republic Commando: Hard Contact

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