Legendary Adventures: Crucible

legendary adventures 127 crucible

Even when there isn’t galaxy-wide threats from wanna-be Celestials, peace is hard to come by in a galaxy far, far away. Even when the Sith are destroyed, businesses still want to exploit people and make money. But what does this latest business sweeping up small freighters in a far-off nebula have to do with an extra-galactic mystery of the Force? Read our final Legendary Adventures with Crucible and find out!

Ages ago, mystics across the galaxy were called together to study a powerful energy field known as the Force. These mystics became the progenitors of the great Jedi Order, an organization that stood for peace and justice across the galaxy. They faced great threats like the Rakatans, the Sith Empire, the Trade Federation, the Separatists, the Galactic Empire, and the dreaded Yuuzhan Vong. Each time, the Jedi were able to stand against these great evils. And now, when it seems as if the very forces of nature themselves are conspiring against the Jedi, Grand Master Luke Skywalker is leading his family, and the Jedi, against the greatest threats the galaxy has ever seen.

crucible full coverWith the recent defeat of the mythical being known as Abeloth, and the re-unification of the Galactic Alliance, Grand Master Luke Skywalker now leads the search for an artifact known as the Blade of Mortis. This blade is rumored to have the power to destroy even Celestials themselves, having been used by Jedi Knights in the Clone Wars to end a threat that would have thrown the Force out of balance.

Yet, even in the wake of such massive, galaxy-wide consequences, the day-to-day life of average citizens must go on. Leia Organa-Solo and Han Solo are due to meet with Lando Calrissian to discuss a problem with pirates in a place called the Chiloon Rift. Instead of meeting with Lando, they meet with a man named Omad Kaeg, who is heavily indebted due to a gambling problem. As Kaeg offers to guide the couple, instead of being led by Lando, they encounter representatives of Galactic Exploitation Technologies. The representatives, Nargons and Mandalorians, are looking to collect on Kaeg’s debt and offer to buy up any mining contracts that he has. After a fight won by Leia, the team reports back to Luke.

Luke decides to go and investigate the Chiloon Rift himself, where he discovers a criminal organization led by Columi brothers Marvid and Caitheus Qreph. The brothers are insistent on buying Lando’s latest operation, an asteroid refinery, but Lando continues to refuse them. As Luke, Leia, and Han try to help Lando, especially when a spy is placed in Lando’s organization, Han is captured by Boba Fett’s granddaughter, Mirta Gev, and her associate Savara Raine. 

The group, now including Tahiri Veila and Ben Skywalker, travel to the Qreph’s base, Base Prime, constructed on an other-worldly, and maybe even extra-galactic monolith in space. This monolith reeks of power, and may be connected to the very dagger Luke has searched for in his effort to destroy Abeloth completely. During the rescue attempt, Han is able to free himself and Savara Raine is revealed to be the Sith Vestara Khai. Vestera battles Ben, despite her previous feelings for him, and is bested. Luke and Leia are pulled into a deep otherworld with the Qreph brothers, where even they are given incredible Force powers. After an intense battle (perhaps within the Force itself), Han calls Leia and Luke back to the regular galaxy, having defeated the Qreph brothers. Base Prime is locked away, and the Jedi look forward to celebrating over a drink.

But peace is hard-fought and never seems to be permanent. The novels may be over, but the future of the galaxy marches on in the comics. The search for Mortis, and the dagger, continues, led by the Grand Master Luke Skywalker and the Sword of the Jedi, Jaina Solo. Jaina and Jagged Fel’s family legacy is one of Imperial rule, where later Fel rulers lead the Empire into a fraught relationship with the Galactic Alliance, and eventually, a badly thought-out plot alongside the One Sith. Grand Master Luke’s child, Ben Skywalker, becomes the progenitor of a great line of Jedi Masters, culminating in Cade Skywalker, the one who would eventually face the leader of the One Sith himself, Darth Krayt, the man from the visions Luke and Jacen saw. The Jedi Order will continue, too, and will lead the galaxy in peace. They will work with Yuuzhan Vong terraformers to transform dead worlds, hoping to change the face of the galaxy with those who have previously done great harm to it. Luke’s sister, Leia, and her husband, will also see their legacy continue, as one of their ancestors is the lead cause in the salvation of the Mon Cal people after a brutal genocide carried out by the One Sith. These adventures bring the Legends timeline to its apex, and the legacy of the Skywalkers and the Solos, and the Jedi themselves, is one of good overcoming evil; the light destroying darkness; and love and self-sacrifice and hope winning over hatred, possession, and fear.

Thanks for joining me on eight years of these Legendary Adventures. This started as a fun way to read through the Legends timeline and has taken on quite a few iterations as I have gone on. When I started this, I thought it would be a cool way to read a finished series. It turned into so much more. As the Adventures started, it was more review based, then turned a bit more narrative, gaining and losing some editor’s notes and features along the way, I found myself really able to enjoy the franchise, and Legends, more and more. As I saw the way Legends is both extremely messy, introducing loads of contradictions and questions, I found a way to enjoy a franchise that has so much fun, joy, and story-telling built in. For every contradiction and question, there are three more cool connections. For every accidental timeline error, there are four cool timeline additions made (even accidentally)! That’s the legacy of such a long series – head-scratches and love. So, thanks for being a part of this ever-evolving journey…and I can’t wait until you see where we’re going next. You’ll find it simply Marvelous.

You can follow Chris on Twitter @ChrisWerms, and of course, you can follow the Manor on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor!

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