Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Apocalypse

legendary adventures 125 fate of the jedi apocalypse

The Sith have taken over the galaxy once again! With control over the Senate and Coruscant, the Jedi are going to have to find everything in themselves to battle the greatest evil – literally – the galaxy has ever seen. Join us today on the Legendary Adventures for Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse!

Times are changing for the Jedi Order – but if Grand Master Luke Skywalker has anything to say about what’s going on, it won’t be the last times for the Jedi. The Sith have taken control of both the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Temple, but the Jedi are determined to get back their homes. Jaina Solo, the Horns, and other Jedi lead an invasion of Coruscant, which mostly goes well. A few Jedi are caught, but they pretend they were acting as spice smugglers. While Jaina and other pilots come from the sky, Luke, his son Ben Skywalker, and Vestara Khai sneak in through the Alliance’s own security measures. Vestara is instrumental in getting the Jedi into the temple, but only because she is acting as a mole and reveals her true intentions, which are to help the Sith. Despite the Jedi Order warning the Sith they had the choice to surrender or die, most of the Sith choose to fight and many begin to die as the Jedi aim to reclaim the temple.

Other members of galactic society come to help the Jedi in their battle against the Sith. For example, the Hapan Consortium helps Jedi flee the Sith over the skies of Ossus. The Queen Mother of the Hapans, Tenel Ka Djo, cares for Allana Solo (under a moniker, so Allana is kept safe). Allana, the daughter of Jacen Solo, fears for the safety of hidden Jedi babies within the Jedi Temple and wants to jump straight into action to save them. All of the adults around her do their best to keep her safe, but after Han Solo and Leia Organa-Solo jet off to Coruscant, Allana hitches a ride on the Millennium Falcon and goes with them. 

The Jedi then move into their plan: trap the Sith in the temple they had tried to claim and destroy them all in one place. With the help of Galactic Alliance forces, the Jedi go to war against the Sith who had tried to take their home. Unfortunately, the tide of the battle is almost turned when Vestara Khai directly and explicitly moves against the Jedi and feeds the Sith information: the Jedi Queen from the visions is Allana Solo herself, the Hapan descendant and child of a former Sith Lord. The Sith bring Vestara back into their fold with the information and welcome her back with open arms.

fate of the jedi apocalypse full coverMeanwhile, other Jedi Knights such as Lowbacca and Raynal Thul travel to the Maraqoo sector, where they meet with the Killik queen who resides there. As Raynar has to fight the hive mind from taking him back as their leader, the Jedi, with the help of C-3PO, learn about Abeloth. In the far past, she joined the Celestials, a group of extremely powerful beings, wanting to join the powerful family as a Mother. The family, known as the Ones, consisting of the Father, Son, and Daughter, were entirely unlike her. They did not age, but she did. In her desperation to join them, she partook in the Pool of Knowledge and the Font of Power, hoping those would give her the power to join their family. The Ones left her and Abeloth transformed into a being that would only come in times of intense chaos and warfare. When she comes, the galaxy would come together to destroy her and usher in an age of peace. The Ones should have come to help defeat her, but they had been killed decades prior by Anakin Skywalker on Mortis. 

Unfortunately, knowing this information doesn’t do a great deal in terms of defeating her, but Abeloth may be working toward her own defeat. Abeloth joins her consciousness to the Jedi Temple’s computers, locking the Jedi out. Galactic Alliance forces known as Void Jumpers are planning on invading the temple, but only if they can get the help of Jedi inside to turn off the systems Abeloth has turned on. She also operates via other avatars, one such as a Sith Lady and another working with Admiral Daala to take over the Imperial Remnant. Daala is unaware of whom she really works with, but Abeloth is only interested in ruling everything she can. (The battle with the Imperial Remnant corresponds with a battle over Mandalore, making Boba Fett have to rethink his plan to save the planet.) When one avatar of Abeloth dies, the others suffer as well. The Imperial avatar dies, affecting her Sith avatar.

Both Jedi and Abeloth are forced into their endgames. Abeloth kidnaps both Vestara Khai and Ben Skywalker, and they begin to think she is going to recreate the Ones with them as the Daughter and Son and her as the Mother. She gives the two a chance to drink from the Pool of Knowledge and the Font of Power, but both refuse. Following this, she unleashes cataclysmic problems on Coruscant, like earthquakes and volcanoes. The Jedi Masters have to now deal with Abeloth, the Sith, and the unnatural natural disasters. They promote Jaina Solo to Master, naming her the Sword of the Jedi.

It may be Luke who makes the greatest moves to begin to defeat Abeloth. As more Void Jumpers engage Sith in the Temple, and new forces battle Sith forces in space, Luke travels to the Beyond Shadows again, hoping to connect with late Jedi. He does, but does not find help, even after reconnecting with Mara, Jacen, and more. He is, however, joined by a Sith Lord who promises to help him. Despite not knowing the Sith, Luke and this Sith Lord do defeat Abeloth in the Beyond Shadows. Because of this weakness, Abeloth loses avatars across the galaxy: Saba Sebantyne kills Abeloth in the Temple, and Ben and Vestara team up to kill Abeloth on the world she took them to become the new Ones.

The galaxy, then, is given a chance to renew. Mara reminds Luke of his responsibility to lead the Jedi. Luke even gets closure with Jacen, finding out he became a Sith to prevent his daughter from becoming the Sith leader from a vision he had where a Sith sat on the Throne of Balance, with Allana at his side. Luke then decides the Jedi must find some way to combat Abeloth if she were to ever return and arranges a group of Jedi who would chase after the Dagger of Mortis, the only weapon that could possibly defeat her. The Jedi officially leave Vestara behind, as Jaina tells Ben the truth about her allegiance to the Sith, so Vestara leaves the planet with the help of Sith, ruminating on a vision of becoming a powerful Dark Lady. Allana Solo lives in the freedom of her true identity as the grandchild of Han and Leia. The Galactic Alliance seeks to rebuild without the Jedi and with a new leader. Jaina Solo marries Jagged Fel, bringing a new leadership to the Imperial forces. After the defeat of the Bringer of Chaos, the galaxy really may well build to peace. 

But the Empire isn’t going as easily, and it may be time for a Mercy Killing…

You can follow Chris on Twitter @ChrisWerms, and of course, you can follow the Manor on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor!

Fate of the Jedi: Outcast Omen | Abyss | Backlash | Allies | Vortex | Conviction | Ascension

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