Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Ascension

legendary adventures 124 fate of the jedi ascensionThe Sith decide whether or not to ally with Abeloth and the Galactic Alliance decides on new leadership! But when every alliance is built on lies and subterfuge, who can you trust? And what happens when the greatest secret of all is revealed, and evil itself gains control of the government? Join today’s Legendary Adventures with Fate of the Jedi: Ascension!

In the past, when the Sith have wanted something, they’ve learned to take it by force. When the Sith Empire faced off against the Jedi, they rammed a ship full of Sith warriors into the Jedi Temple. When Plagueis wanted eternal life, he created the means by which he would attain it. When Sidious wanted the galaxy, he took it by political machinations. But the Sith of Keshiri are not having the same luck their predecessors have had. Instead, they are finding themselves stopped by Grand Master Luke Skywalker at almost every turn. But now the tables may have turned. The Sith have been given an offer: Abeloth will team up with them, but only if they work together to destroy Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker. This realy wouldn’t be considered a full partnership: Abeloth isn’t interested in furthering any of the rest of their goals, and the Sith aren’t in-the-know on her goals. After some hesitations, the Sith, led by Grand Lord Darish Vol decides they should work with Abeloth and destroy Luke. No parties truly trust one another, and Vestara Khai’s father, Gavar, is put in the middle of these powerful factions. The Sith closely watch Abeloth to figure out why she would work with them, and Abeloth attacks them in retaliation. Abeloth launches an attack that kills a ton of people on Kesh and is brought off-planet by Ship, leaving with a contingent of Sith loyal to her, led by Gavar. Maybe for the good of the galaxy, it turns out the Sith really will never truly make any friends or allies.

Grand Master Luke Skywalker, now united with other Jedi like Jaina Solo, and still travelling with his son, Ben Skywalker, and captured Sith Vestara Khai, searches the galaxy for wherever Abeloth could have gone. Because of their limited knowledge of the new Sith and Abeloth, they simply guess where she could have been. Their first destination is Korriban, where the Sith guardians reveal the lack of Sith Lords. (She still is somewhat loyal to the Sith, telling the guardians in the Sith language to ward off any Sith who come to the planet.) Their next destination, Dromund Kaas, proves much more fruitful. There, they encounter some Sith Sabers led by Gavar. The Jedi destroy most of the Sabers and Vestara is forced to face and kill her own father. This proves a turning point for her, and after some convincing, is accepted as a Padawan in the Jedi Order. She also admits her love for Ben and seems to entirely turn her life around at this very point. Unfortunately, a future battle in a failed attempt to capture Abeloth finds Vestara in a situation where she must make a hard decision to save Ben Skywalker. As they face a beast with powerful psychic abilities, Vestara sacrifices another Jedi in an effort to save Ben, forcing her to grapple with her Sith past, and a possible Sith future, as she begins to believe that she may never be able to escape her Sith roots.

fate of the jedi ascension full coverBut this isn’t the only turning point for the Jedi Order, and the galaxy at large. On a return trip to Coruscant, now that Luke’s exile has been ended with the removal of Daala, Luke officially removes the Jedi Order from the Triumverate that led the Galatic Alliance. Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne, the one who killed former acting-Grand Master Kenth Hamner, is removed from her position, which leaves the Alliance in a bit of a scramble to now deal with their lack of a leader and the Jedi pulling away. All of this unrest comes at the very same time the Alliance is dealing with an influx of new proposals to join from planets that led anti-slavery revolts. These revolts have been sparked as part of a conspiracy led by the Imperial Remnant, with the goal of giving the Remnant ultimate power in the galaxy again. As a space-leopard can never truly change her spots, Daala is out for revenge, as she knows Moff Lecersen was trying to oust her from the government. She proposes an ultimatum: join her in her effort to become Empress of the Imperial Remnant or die. This ultimatum doesn’t go very far, as the Remnant’s plan just fails from the in-fighting and fizzles on its own. In fact, Jagged Fel also discovers the conspiracy from within the Remnant to stage a coup, and battles Daala to prevent her plan from going into effect. Ultimately, the Remnant does not gain the ultimate power they seek now, and Padnel Ovin, a simple man, is elected to lead the Alliance.

But these may not be the most dangerous machinations that are being developed in the Alliance. An anti-Jedi subcommittee works to destroy the Jedi from the political angle, turning out to be Sith from Kesh that somehow quickly infiltrated the government. Just like Darth Sidious before them, these Sith see the government as the best way to take control of the galaxy. They work both politically and actively against the Jedi, searching the tunnels of the Temple to find entry points to destroy the Temple and kill the Jedi inside of it. Somehow, Luke had already known about these Sith, and tells Leia Organa-Solo to expect them to make moves against her. Luke plans to defeat Abeloth first, and then come home to deal with the Sith that have infiltrated every aspect of government. Unfortunately, Luke does not realize Abeloth and these political Sith are completely related, as Abeloth herself has infiltrated the government and has hoisted herself up with the help of the Sith around her. In the disguise of Rokari Kem, Abeloth kills Grand Lord Vol and Chief of State Ovin. With the lack of a leader, again, and knowledge of the Imperial Remnant’s coup, the Alliance quickly elects a new leader: Kem. She then moves to the Jedi Temple, where she hopes to destroy the Jedi once and for all.

Everything has moved into place for an endgame. The Sith leadership has been dismantled by Abeloth, who now leads the Sith to meet her goals. The Jedi Order is forced to move on the offensive against the greatest threat they have ever seen. But on a personal level, love is pushed to its extremes, and many Jedi and Sith are going to have to make decisions that are going to affect the rest of their lives…and decide what type of person they are going to be. As these personal apocalypses are played out, the Fate of the Jedi is finally revealed!

You can follow Chris on Twitter @ChrisWerms, and of course, you can follow the Manor on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor!

Fate of the Jedi: Outcast Omen | Abyss | Backlash | Allies | Vortex | Conviction

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