Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Conviction

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Abeloth has escaped – but have the Jedi finally found an avenue to do something about it? With the recent shift in leadership at the Galactic Alliance, the tide may have turned in the battle against the Lost Tribe of the Sith. Join us for this week’s Legendary Adventures with Fate of the Jedi: Conviction!

Exiled (maybe not for much longer) Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and his son, Ben Skywalker, teamed up with the Sith from Kesh and seemingly defeated the dark being known as Abeloth. The pair, begrudgingly working together, realized that Abeloth served as a threat to both of their interests, and found it better to team up than to let her destroy them and get what she wants. Though, what exactly she wants is still a mystery. Abeloth, unfortunately, did not stay dead, and escaped the Jedi’s team. When she was initially defeated, it seemed as if things were being put right in the galaxy. Unfortunately, since she was actually still quite alive, none of the solutions afforded by her death ended up sticking. When Abeloth was defeated, it seemed as if the Jedi who succumbed to her control were freed and their Force-induced madness was over. This led to the release of Valin and Jysella Horn from carbonite on Coruscant, but concerns still exist whether or not they were truly cured. Cilghal, a Jedi healer, still believes that they are affected by the Force madness – and for good reason, too, as we find out the Force-powered malady has not actually left the stricken Jedi. 

fate of the jedi conviction full coverThis is not the only movement on Coruscant, however, as the Jedi and Imperials move (separately) to arrest the now deposed Chief of State Natasi Daala. The Jedi, led by Saba Sebatyne, the now public face of the Jedi Order, capture Daala and arrest her. Imperials, part of a secret conspiracy led by Moff Drikl Lecersen, also try and capture Daala, but are beaten to the punch. Three people, including Saba and an Imperial-friendly Senator named Haydnat Treen, oversee Daala’s trial and are appointed as the new leadership of the Galactic Alliance during its transition. Daala is convicted, but is broken out of prison by Boba Fett. Alema Rar, on trial for the death of late Admiral Pallaeon, uses the chance to escape too, becoming a fugitive and living on the run.

As the face of the galactic government changes, so too does the face of Abeloth, who has taken on both the face and the consciousness of the late Jedi Callista Ming. Luke Skywalker and the other Jedi forces battle the Sith over Pydyr, the battle in which Luke and the Sith initiated just hours ago by fleeing with Ben and Vestara Khai. As their alliance breaks down with the revelation Abeloth is still alive, she sneaks away to Nom Chorios where she plans on taking over yet another distinct group of Force practitioners. These beings learn an ability called mnemotherapy, which starts by extracting memories from someone. Then, the memories are either destroyed or given to someone else. Abeloth makes her presence known on the planet by inflicting a ton of damage using the Force, alerting Luke to her whereabouts and this practice of mnemotheraphy. Luke plans to use this ability to remove the consciousness of former Jedi Callista Ming from Abeloth, letting Callista finally join the Force and possibly defeating Abeloth in the process. Vestara summons the Sith to Nom Chorios, hoping they will join with Luke, Ben, and herself to finally defeat Abeloth. Unfortunately, Abeloth escapes and even the Jedi support (recently won from Daala’s control) can’t stop her or Ship from escaping. Abeloth then proposes an alliance with the Sith to destroy Luke and end the Jedi forever.

But the Sith aren’t exclusively worried about Luke and the Jedi. Instead, they are worried about the vision they have recently experienced of a soon-to-come Jedi Queen, whom they believe to come from the Hapan Consortium. The Sith track the Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo from her home planet as she oversees Klatooine’s joining of the New Republic. The Sith learn of Allana’s connection with the Hapans (being the granddaughter of the Queen Mother) and try to kill her by turning C-3PO into a bomb. Leia duels the leader of the Sith and destroys him, and the secret of the Hapan Consortium is kept for a little while longer. 

Under new leadership, the Jedi and Galactic Alliance are free to ascend. But what will they find with their newfound freedom, and what does the team up between Abeloth and the Sith mean for them?

You can follow Chris on Twitter @ChrisWerms, and of course, you can follow the Manor on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor!

Fate of the Jedi: Outcast Omen | Abyss | Backlash | Allies | Vortex

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