Legendary Adventures: X-Wing – Mercy Kill

legendary adventures 126 x wing mercy kill

Underneath the dangers posed by the Lost Tribe of the Sith and the reign of the dreaded Abeloth was a secret conspiracy…and the Wraith Squadron pilots may be called on for last mission to put that conspiracy to rest – forever! Join the Legendary Adventures as we read X-Wing: Mercy Kill!

When one thinks about the history of the Wraith Squadron, especially from the vantage point of the end of the Second Galactic Civil War, one would be surprised to consider that Voort “Piggy” saBinring, a Gamorrean who is one of the Wraith Squadrons best fighters, would prove the backbone of that history. Major events in Piggy’s own life corresponded with major events in galactic history, which provide helpful reference points for the galaxy. Four years after the emergence of Grand Admiral Thrawn – and the greatest threat of the Imperial Remnant the galaxy had seen – Wraith Squadron had a covert operation. Led by Piggy, their target was a person named Dr. Mulus Cheems, whom they saved from an Imperial Admiral who blew himself up under the guise of purchasing art. Six years later, after the war against the Imperial Remnant is effectively declared over, Piggy looks to retire. During the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, Piggy is in involved in a mission where two Wraiths are killed, and he is asked to kill another of the Wraiths to avoid the pain of Yuuzhan Vong poisoning. This causes Piggy to retire, and effectively, Wraith Squadron itself is retired.

x wing Mercy Kill coverPiggy, the Gamorrean with too much on his shoulders, is unable to call this “mercy kill” the end of his career as a Wraith. Duty calls again, unfortunately, and the Wraiths are called to action at the end of the Second Galactic Civil War. Galactic Alliance General Stavin Thall seems to have been part of the Lecersen Conspiracy, a name given to the attempted coup on the part of the Imperial Remnant during the reign of Abeloth. In the coup, the Imperial Remnant tried to use the political chaos caused by the leadership of Grand Admiral Natasi Daala, and the return of the Sith, to upend the Alliance and revive the Emipire. This calls for the reformation of the Wraith Squadron, including a new member who is of the Yuuzhan Vong species. The team is forced to learn how to work together quickly to capture the traitor, but it also means the personal history of Voort is going to change forever.

Some Wraiths plan to investigate General Thall directly while some seek answers across the galaxy. Three members, including Voort and Myri Antilles, travel to Vandor-3 and infiltrate a group of soldiers loyal to Thaal. They plan to use a cover of another turn-coat Alliance captain to gain Thaal’s trust, but he sees through the ruse and has another traitor attack the Wraiths in their planned interception. Voort, eschewing for now his nickname of Piggy, then takes command of the Wraiths, which brings him to consider his own past and the future of the squadron, especially one that contains a Yuuzhan Vong.

The Wraiths are able to ascertain knowledge of Thaal’s plans. First, he has been both pirating and stealing weapons, making the materiel disappear in order to gain power for himself. Following that, he has collected a separate pile of thermal detonators. He also, finally, plans to alter his soldiers so they cannot be identified as part of his plan. This leads Wraith Squadron to want to finish the battle with Thaal quickly, bringing him to justice before he can bring all of his weapons to bear on the galaxy. On a planet known as Kuratooine, the Wraiths are finally able to confront Thaal, and capture him, bringing an end to the conspiracy. They find a woman whom they believe Thaal is making romantic overtures to and kidnap her, planning to frame Thaal and bring him into the public consciousness. With the success of Wraith Squadron, Piggy is more than happy to take the role of Wing leader as the Wraiths are made an official part of Galactic Alliance security. Becoming the new leader of the Wraiths, Piggy’s importance is solidified in the history of the galaxy.

The galaxy now stands at the cusp of something new. Grand Master Luke Skywalker stands on the crucible of something new as well – something that could change the galaxy forever!

You can follow Chris on Twitter @ChrisWerms, and of course, you can follow the Manor on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor!

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