Deeper Glimpse of Star Wars Outlaws Gameplay Stirs Hype and Hope

While we’re getting closer and closer to August 30, the release date of Star Wars Outlaws, everything I keep seeing, especially today’s new footage from the Ubisoft Forward 2024 showcase, makes August feel so much further away! We got two new sets of footage, the first being a general gameplay overview that’s almost 4 minutes long (see above!), and then there’s the lengthy 10 minute slice (see below the cut), which gives us a better look at specifics, like the heads-up-display (HUD), the very seamless transitions from ships to planets, and the “Experts” system. So check out the lengthier section and some impressions below!

While there are cinematic cuts between takeoff and landing of Kay Vess’ Trailblazer, noted as the last of its kind in the video above (which is probably why Zerek Besh leader Sliro put a high bounty on her for stealing it), watching the video it still seems rather seamless, as control returns to the player relatively quickly. She initially leaves a space station in the orbit of Akiva, which she walks through and boards the ship before initiating the takeoff cinematic sequence, but in moments she’s out in space, getting caught up in a little dogfight (the outcome of which helps her reputation with the Pykes), followed by jumping to hyperspace to Tatooine, then selecting a location to dock at, and finally where we see the ship enter atmosphere and close in on Mos Eisley before the cinematic takes over for landing. Honestly, this is better than I was hoping it would look and play, so this was reassuring to see, as I don’t need full control over the ship the whole time, plus this gives it a grander, movie-esque feel. I also noticed that while Mos Eisley’s Docking Bay 94 was where the gameplay takes us, there were other locations to select when landing, including: Bestine, the capital of Tatooine; Wayfar, a settlement first seen in the old Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG; and Mos Algo, a new location. Are these all the visitable locations? The density of Mos Eisley is already impressive, so how much more layered will the capital of Bestine look?! Can you travel between them on your bike after landing or will you need to use your ship? While it might be awhile before we get those answers, it’s exciting think there are so many options and potential locations per planet!

This “Experts” system looks like a clever way to make upgrades feel more organic to the story and world, not just some screen you put upgrade points towards, as you have to go out and seek these characters to gain new abilities, which comes with missions and more gameplay. While it’ll take a hands-on impression to know how this comes off overall, I prefer this idea over constantly going into a screen to upgrade, as it means less time in menus and more time with Kay Vess and Nix in the world of Outlaws. The reputation system also looks to have an overlay update on the screen at times, even in little actions like Kay sneaking into a restricted area and being caught, so once again it’s less about the menus and more about seeing it and keeping players in the moment. It remains to be seen if the same can be said for the map and getting around, as many Ubisoft open-world games are known for “marker hell,” (or whatever you want to call it) as in there are hundreds of markers littering the map at any given time it can be overwhelming, and our glimpse at a map here seemed pretty sparsely populated. Supposedly we keep being told you can walk into any local watering hole and pick a spot, listen in to those around you, and gain new jobs, instead of chasing down mission-giver markers, so I hope this works as cool and as well as it sounds. Either way, I like what I’m seeing in terms of immersion and keeping players playing, not stuck navigating menus.

Star Wars Outlaws Syndicate Poster

It’s a small thing, but in the sneaking and shooting section at the end of the 10-minute demo, I really liked how Kay stealthily taking down one person in a small room alerted the other, as often times in games I feel like such a small distance doesn’t automatically mean the other person hears what happened. That Kay quickly stuns the other person was a satisfying idea for gameplay when I get my hands on Outlaws, as it’s not usually an option most Star Wars games give (looking at you, Jedi series and all those poor creatures) and I wonder how much of it you can do with just stunning people instead of killing (I doubt this will be like a Metal Gear Solid game and you can go fully no-kill, but you never know). That she gets caught and turns to blasting, leading to a big shootout, with a cool pick up from her bike, looks like fun too, but had she stunned the person who saw her, could it be avoided? I like there’s the potential this could be the case.

Lastly, and I’m not surprised I have to point this out or this is happening still in 2024, there’s certainly some bias against Kay Vess, even coming from the press. Several press outlets got a hands-on demo of Outlaws and have been releasing their impressions and so far, the most prevailing thoughts seem to point out, especially if you’ve played Ubisoft produced games, the formula employed across most of their output is all over the game, for better or for worse. This could make it easier for more fans to jump in, if it being a little too familiar/easy means it’s more welcoming to play for more people who are interested in the game than your typical gamer, I’m all in, especially since a lot of those could be people who haven’t seen themselves in a game before, which is typically dominated by white protagonists, which brings me to my point about Kay. Out of the four impressions I read, the two (Rock Paper Shotgun and Eurogamer) who didn’t quite like Kay, going so far as to nickname her “Hannah Solo” even instead of looking at her as her own character, were from white men, while the two (Polygon and IGN) who either didn’t comment much on Kay or liked the potential she has, were either a woman or a male personal of color. I’m also a white man, but everything I’ve seen of Kay Vess, as well as actress Humberly Gonzalez, has me typed to see her story and experience her mark on the galaxy, because this is her game after all, and while I get the developers saying players get to be a scoundrel dredges up memories or ideas of Han Solo, maybe focus on Kay first and worry about Solo comparisons later. It’s unfortunate to see this bias, unconscious or otherwise, appear, but keep it in mind when reviews start dropping in when we get closer to release.

Here are a few other things I noticed:

  • Also, the density of the space stations and the cities themselves, makes Outlaws feel like a living, breathing slice of Star Wars life. The lived-in, worn down aesthetic from the films is in full force and, because players will be in control of looking and seeing all there is to show in these populated areas, it should heighten for fans what has long been an important aspect of the Saga’s identity.
  • In the 4 or so minute gameplay trailer, we get to see Kay at a younger age, freeing Nix! I’m hoping we’ll get to play through a section or two of her being younger and/or get some flashbacks throughout.
  • Speaking of Nix, over at the official in Kelly Knox’s interview with Julian Gerighty, creative director of Ubisoft’s Massive Entertainment, which is full of important, interesting questions and similar answers, the most important details is revealed: NIX IS BULLETPROOF! So the little dude can’t die during the game, though who’s to say he’ll make it through?! Kidding, there’s no way they wouldn’t let him survive the story for any potential sequel (and the upcoming post-release story DLC).
  • Were the Sullustian’s part of their own clan or mainly aligned with Qi’ra’s Crimson Dawn?
  • Speaking of, how great was it to see and hear Qi’ra?! I know it’s not Emilia Clarke, but whomever is playing her sounds good, same with Lando Calrissian, seen playing sabaacc at one point. But like…given all he is doing in the comics, how is he chilling and playing here?!
  • In the longer gameplay, the opening arcade game is one players can enjoy in the final game, as is fathier race betting and playing sabacc. Of the three distractions listed, I’m MOST intrigued to check out sabaac!!
  • I really want the Nix hat Humberly is wearing!!! Can that come with one of the special editions?!

August 30 is just over two months away, and while part of me thinks they’ll delay it briefly (which is okay, let it cook if need be), I don’t think my hype can get any higher at this point. We’ll have more as they release it!

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website on Bluesky, Twitter @MynockManor, and Instagram @mynockmanor.

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