Star Wars Resistance Season 2 Review: “Kaz’s Curse”

Star Wars Resistance Kaz's Curse

Spoiler Review –

Kaz is cursed! Will his bad luck damn the entire Colossus? Join me as I review the latest episode of Star Wars Resistance!

Kaz has taken to gambling in the latest episode, maybe as a way to kill time, but maybe as a way to make friends with the pirates. Turns out, Kaz is somehow really good at games of chance, and he cleans house with the pirates at the Star Wars Resistance Kaz's Cursetables. This irritates the pirates, but Kaz can’t get over the good luck he’s having. Thankfully, Synara starts to convince him to pull away, but not before an angry pirate places a “curse” on Kaz. This scene, while pretty silly, was a good chance to touch base with the pirates again, who have been mostly left in the dust as the season has continued. As much as I would prefer to see more First Order storylines, the pirates needed some screen time, too. Unfortunately, despite having some time at the beginning of the episode with them, the pirates more bookend the episode than they do feature in it. (Synara only speaks about two lines before being moved off stage as well, a trend we’ll see with women in this episode. If they speak, it’s not a great portrayal. We’ll return to this.)

Oddly, the episode never really confirms whether or not the curse is a real curse or not. It never says if the pirate has a special connection with the Force, or if his incantation is a real incantation or just mumbo-jumbo that starts to unnerve Kaz. Either way, Neeku believes that the curse is real, and he is fearful for both his and Kaz’s safety as the episode progresses. I wish that the nature of the curse was explained more fully, or at least acknowledged as a true curse or not. 

Kaz’s bad luck, at first, seems to extend only as far as his clumsiness normally does. This curse may or may not be connected with lights flickering too, so Kaz starts to believe it. As the Colossus continues to travel through space, they run into two problems: an asteroid belt and the Guavian Death Gang. Is this part of Kaz’s bad luck? Probably not: the Guavians have been expanding their territory and extorting ships all over the galaxy, so it’s probably a coincidence. Star Wars Resistance Kaz's Curse

Kaz goes to see Mika Gray, who has joined the crew of the Colossus since her first appearance in “The Relic Raiders.” She serves as a medium for the ship, soothsaying for paying customers. She gives Kaz a totem, explaining that most curses are only in the mind, and hoping that this placebo would help him. And, wouldn’t you know, it does! As the Colossus tries to escape Guavian space, Kaz joins the battle against the ships and helps the Aces defeat them and helps the Colossus escape through the power of teamwork. We learn that he overcomes this curse himself after he drops the totem on the way to join the Aces in battle. 

I said that last episode felt like a distraction from the main plot. At least the last episode felt more connected to the main thrust of the show, as this episode comes somewhat out of left field, at least in my opinion. This episode did not engage me much, and it felt like it didn’t handle certain issues very well. For one, superstitions in the real world can be laughed at (like wearing special socks when your favorite team plays, for example), but in a world where the Force exists, that’s a bit dodgier. What’s more dodgy is introducing yet another woman of color, but sidelining her immediately; even worse, she is turned into a con artist who practices phony fortune telling. (At least she’s in the Star Wars Resistance Kaz's Curseepisode: other women of color such as Tierny, Tam, and Torra have been getting less screen time lately in general.) 

I never want to write an episode off completely. At worst, a bad episode can still be brought into the main story of the season with some retconning or further explanation. At best, it could be fun, just not for me. This episode, unfortunately, didn’t offer a lot of fun during the episode, nor did it seem to push the plot forward. The premise seemed flimsy (why curse Kaz, who is already pretty clumsy) and the ending was formulaic, making for a pretty uninteresting and unengaging episode all around.

Doesn’t regain momentum from the last episode

Lots of plot points are ignored for slapstick humor

Mika Gray is not portrayed well, but at least she has screen time…


Season Two (by Chris) – Ep. 2.1: “Into the Unknown” | Ep. 2.2: “A Quick Salvage Run” | Ep. 2.3: “Live Fire” | Ep. 2.4: “Hunt on Celsor 3” | Ep. 2.5: “The Engineer” | Ep. 2.6: “From Beneath” | Ep. 2.7: “The Relic Raiders” | Ep. 2.8: “Rendezvous Point” | Ep. 2.9: “The Voxx Vortex 5000

Season One (by Ryan) – Ep. 1.1/1.2: “The Recruit” | Ep. 1.3: “The Triple Dark” | Ep. 1.4 “Fuel for the Fire” | Ep. 1.5: “The High Tower” | Ep. 1.6: “The Children From Tehar” | Ep. 1.7: “Signal From Sector Six” | Ep. 1.8: “Synara’s Score” | Ep. 1.9: “The Platform Classic” | Ep. 1.10: “Secrets and Holograms” | Ep. 1.11: “Station Theta-Black” | Ep. 1.12: “Bibo” | Ep. 1.13 “Dangerous Business” | Ep. 1.14: “The Doza Dilemma” | Ep. 1.15: “The First Order Occupation” | Ep. 1.16: “The New Trooper” | Ep. 1.17: “The Core Problem” | Ep. 1.18: “The Disappeared” | Ep. 1.19: “Descent” | Ep. 1.20: “No Escape” – Part One | Ep. 1.21: “No Escape” – Part Two

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