Tag: Andrea Broccardo

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #35

Doctor Aphra #35

– Spoiler Review –

Doctor Aphra #35 is the penultimate issue of “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon,” as we finally learn a little more about Voor’s plans with Aphra and an old frenemy learns he was duped, again, setting up for what could be quite the finale. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #35”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #34

Doctor Aphra #34

– Spoiler Review –

Doctor Aphra #34 not only finds Chelli Lona Aphra back where she started this arc, but she’a sounding a little too much like her mother and…is that crazy, scary Wookiee who I think it is? “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” continues to be unspeakably good. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #34”

A Star Wars Serial Story: Retrospective on Kieron Gillen’s Star Wars Comic Run (#38-67)

Kieron Gillen Star Wars Comics Retrospective

– Full Spoiler Review –

How does the Rebellion go from the height of its offensive against the Empire to the lowest point of its existence? Kieron Gillen was tasked to follow up Jason Aaron’s run on the flagship Star Wars series to show us exactly that. Fresh from the destruction of the Death Star, the Alliance launches a massive offensive against the Empire, starting with Cymoon I and the Harbinger, all the way up to an assault on SCAR Squadron to rescue a captured C-3PO. A beleaguered Darth Vader tasks Queen Trios of Shu-Torun to come up with a plan to infiltrate the Alliance’s ranks and take them down from the inside…. Continue reading “A Star Wars Serial Story: Retrospective on Kieron Gillen’s Star Wars Comic Run (#38-67)”

Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Age of Rebellion

Age of Rebellion Miniseries Review 2

Age of Rebellion is the middle “Age” of the Age of Star Wars maxiseries, but having to follow in the footsteps of Houser and team’s Republic seemed like a difficult job. Greg Pak, a few other writers, and the various artists along for the ride delved into the latest “Age” with aplomb, and while most of it was simply good, it’s highs were quite the zenith. Continue reading “Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Age of Rebellion”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #33

Doctor Aphra #33

– Spoiler Review –

From a reunion between exes a long time coming (wonderfully planned for Pride Month!) to an insane plan to assassinate the Emperor, Doctor Aphra #33 might be full of set up but it’s still one of the best series around for its snappy, funny, and downright enjoyable presentation and infectious characters. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #33”

Legendary Adventures Special: Star Wars Original Marvel Years #50 and #108

Star Wars Original Marvel Years 108

On its 80th anniversary, Marvel takes us back in time to celebrate the original Star Wars run with Star Wars #50 (facsimile edition) and Star Wars #108 – what happens when the Crimson Fever strikes?

Continue reading “Legendary Adventures Special: Star Wars Original Marvel Years #50 and #108”

Legends Comic Review: Star Wars Original Marvel Years #108

Star Wars Original Marvel Years #108

As Marvel celebrates 80 years, they teamed up with Lucasfilm to bring life back to their original Star Wars comics run from the 70/80’s for one more issue, and it’s a love letter to the wackiness and mythos of that run, as well as to fans who enjoyed it all those years ago. For fans like myself who never imbibed, it’s not as glorious of a return, but it’s still a fun diversion, good remembrance, and a measurement of how much/how little has changed. Continue reading “Legends Comic Review: Star Wars Original Marvel Years #108”

Star Wars Comics August 2019 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics August 2019 Solicitations

By the end of August 2019, both the 14-acre Star Wars theme park expansions will be open, signaling a new era for ways to interact with the Saga, making it feel a little less far, far away. And as fans gear up for The Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian, the comics continue the beat of their own drums, though with the Galaxy’s Edge and TIE Fighter minis coming to an end, what might take their place? We don’t have an answer yet, so spend August enjoying Doctor Aphra antics, the early beginnings of Greg Pak’sStar Wars, and Kylo Ren marooned on a planet with General Hugs Hux in the Age of Resistance, among others! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics August 2019 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra “Worst Among Equals” Arc (Issues #26-31)

Doctor Aphra Worst Among Equals Arc Review

– Spoiler Review –

In the “Worst Among Equals” arc, the Doctor Aphra series delivers an epilogue of sorts, dealing with the fallout from the first 25-issues worth of story and how it brings change, for better or worse, to those who still remain after the dust settles and the proximity bombs have been set to blow. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra “Worst Among Equals” Arc (Issues #26-31)”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #31

Doctor Aphra #31

– Spoiler Review –

Doctor Aphra #31 brings to an end the “Worst Among Equals” arc, which serves as something of an epilogue to “The Catastrophe Con,” truly propelling the series into a different era as two major characters exit stage left. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #31”