Tag: Chris O’Halloran

Canon Comic Review: Age of Resistance – Special #1

Age of Resistance Special #1

– Spoiler Review –

Age of Resistance – Special #1 is special with a capital S, as the Chewie and Maz Kanata content we’ve all been waiting for arrives, Amilyn Holdo shows why underestimating her is never a good idea, and BB-8 channels L3-37 on a mission for the Resistance. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Age of Resistance – Special #1”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #34

Doctor Aphra #34

– Spoiler Review –

Doctor Aphra #34 not only finds Chelli Lona Aphra back where she started this arc, but she’a sounding a little too much like her mother and…is that crazy, scary Wookiee who I think it is? “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” continues to be unspeakably good. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #34”

Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Age of Rebellion

Age of Rebellion Miniseries Review 2

Age of Rebellion is the middle “Age” of the Age of Star Wars maxiseries, but having to follow in the footsteps of Houser and team’s Republic seemed like a difficult job. Greg Pak, a few other writers, and the various artists along for the ride delved into the latest “Age” with aplomb, and while most of it was simply good, it’s highs were quite the zenith. Continue reading “Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Age of Rebellion”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #33

Doctor Aphra #33

– Spoiler Review –

From a reunion between exes a long time coming (wonderfully planned for Pride Month!) to an insane plan to assassinate the Emperor, Doctor Aphra #33 might be full of set up but it’s still one of the best series around for its snappy, funny, and downright enjoyable presentation and infectious characters. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #33”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #32

Doctor Aphra #32

– Spoiler Review –

Doctor Aphra #32 begins a really fantastic jumping on point for those of you who haven’t enjoyed the blundering disaster that is Aphra, as the “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” arc both is easy on newcomers and a true damn delight for long-time fans, with an ending that had me about falling out of my chair in sheer delight. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #32”

Canon Comic Review: Age of Rebellion – Special #1

Age of Rebellion Special #1

– Spoiler Review –

Age of Rebellion – Special #1 spins some side tales about characters like IG-88, Yoda, and Biggs Darklighter and Jek Porkins, and while one falters a bit, the others provide some thrills, chills, and a very important, teachable moment. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Age of Rebellion – Special #1”