Tag: Clayton Cowles

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #16 (Vol. 2) – War of the Bounty Hunters

Star Wars #16 (Vol. 2) War of the Bounty Hunters Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

Luke Skywalker rushes to help his friends retrieve Han Solo from the clutches of Crimson Dawn but his time in transit gives him too much time to dwell on his fear, while Leia, Lando, and Chewie face a difficult choice in the latest War of the Bounty Hunters‘ tie-in issue, Star Wars #16 (Vol. 2). Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #16 (Vol. 2) – War of the Bounty Hunters”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #15 (Vol. 2) – War of the Bounty Hunters

Star Wars #15 (Vol. 2) War of the Bounty Hunters Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #15 (Vol. 2) focuses on its own storyline with Starlight Squadron’s search for the hiding and lost Rebel Fleets and catches up to the rest of the War of the Bounty Hunters story. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #15 (Vol. 2) – War of the Bounty Hunters”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #14 (Vol. 2) – War of the Bounty Hunters

Star Wars #14 (Vol 2) War of the Bounty Hunters Mynock Manor Review

– Spoiler Review –

With the preludes over, Star Wars #14 (Vol. 2) fully embraces the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover event but still carries its own story, balancing both well in a very packed and exciting issue. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #14 (Vol. 2) – War of the Bounty Hunters”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #13 – War of the Bounty Hunters Prelude (Vol. 2)

Star Wars #13 (Vol 2) War of the Bounty Hunters Prelude Mynock Manor Review

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #13 (Vol. 2) brings Luke Skywalker back to the series in a big way, offers a surprising returning face, and sets up for how the series will tie into the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover, all while making it a blast for readers to enjoy. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #13 – War of the Bounty Hunters Prelude (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #12 (Vol. 2)

Star Wars #12 (Vol 2) Mynock Manor Review

– Spoiler Review –

With the success of Operation Starlight mired in the potential tragedy of losing Shara Bey, and as the Rebellion attempts to parse through the new Imperial data, Star Wars #12 (Vol. 2) slows down and allows some of our heroes to reminiscence and hope again. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #12 (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #10 (Vol. 2)

Star Wars #10 (Vol 2) Mynock Manor Review

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #10 (Vol. 2) sees the titular mission of Operation Starlight begin, with a squad of familiar faces I was so delighted about, while bargains are made for the future of the Rebellion…but is the price too high?! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #10 (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #9 (Vol. 2)

Star Wars #9 (Vol 2) Mynock Manor Review

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #9 (Vol. 2) begins the “Operation Starlight” arc, which sees the Rebellion enacting their big plan to unite the broken fleet and find an encryption key the Empire can’t crack, which means a visit to…the Imperial Museum on Coruscant?! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #9 (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #8 (Vol. 2) / “The Will of Takin” Arc Review

Star Wars #8 (Vol 2) Mynock Manor Review

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #8 wraps up a short but vital arc, “The Will of Tarkin,” by injecting the series’ new villain with backstory while pushing Tarkin’s doctrine to a whole new interesting level with Leia, which will unfold over the following arc. Consider this review to also be my arc review for the two issues. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #8 (Vol. 2) / “The Will of Takin” Arc Review”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #7 (Vol. 2)

Star Wars #7 (Vol 2) Mynock Manor Review

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #7 (Vol. 2) begins the next arc of Charles Soule’s relaunched series, “The Will of Tarkin,” digging into the intriguing Commander Zahra’s past while the Leia and the rebels begin enacting plans to save the Rebel Fleet. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #7 (Vol. 2)”