Tag: Cris Bolson

Canon Comic Retrospective: Doctor Aphra Series {Issues 1-40} (Volume 1)

Doctor Aphra Volume 1 Retrospective

– Full Spoiler Review –

I’ll never forget watching Doctor Aphra stuffed in an airlock, me chanting alongside her, “Please, not like this!” as Darth Vader promptly jettisons her out into space, her body floating into the cold depths of space. I was shocked, frustrated, and sad, barely able to finish the next few pages of Darth Vader #25 (Vol. 1), flipping past the credits in annoyance, only to see she somehow finagled together a plan to survive. Shortly after, her on-going comic series was announced, the first comic created character to lead her own series (among many other firsts), and my relief and excitement almost had me bursting out into happy tears compared to my sad tears moments before. 40 issues, and 3 Annuals later, Aphra continuously finagled a new way to survive out of the most unlikeliest of scenarios, hopping from one get rich quick scheme to another, but now her adventures (at least in Volume 1) have come to an end. Continue on to read Chris and mine’s review of the entire Doctor Aphra (Vol. 1) series! Continue reading “Canon Comic Retrospective: Doctor Aphra Series {Issues 1-40} (Volume 1)”

Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Target Vader

Target Vader Miniseries Review

– Spoiler Review –

Target Vader sends a Legends resurrection, and few extra bounty hunters for good measure, to track down and kill Darth Vader, but for those not attached to the blast from the past, is there enjoyment to be had in Beilert Valance’s canon tale of revenge? Continue reading “Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Target Vader”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” Arc (Issues #32-36)

Doctor Aphra Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon Arc Review

– Spoiler Review –

In Doctor Aphra’s “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” arc (issues #32-36), as Aphra takes on a ward (but don’t tell her that) and tries to look after more than just herself, an old (understandably bitter) flame reemerges, and a new, shifty (and PR minded) enemy appears. Full of the humor one expects from Doctor Aphra, a deep-dive into Aphra’s past and her latest scheme asks the all-important question: can and will Aphra ever change? Lucky for fans and new readers alike, the journey to the answer, and the answer itself, are all part of the next best arc for the series! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” Arc (Issues #32-36)”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #36

Doctor Aphra #36

– Spoiler Review –

Doctor Aphra #36 brings “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” to a stunning conclusion, full of twists and turns and a final, chilling note that manages to top all the previous fantastic finales to Aphra arcs. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #36”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #34

Doctor Aphra #34

– Spoiler Review –

Doctor Aphra #34 not only finds Chelli Lona Aphra back where she started this arc, but she’a sounding a little too much like her mother and…is that crazy, scary Wookiee who I think it is? “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” continues to be unspeakably good. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #34”

Canon Comic Review: Target Vader #1

Target Vader #1

Target Vader finds a group of bounty hunters, one from Legends past, out to take down, you guessed it, Darth Vader himself. With issue #1, this latest Vader-focused series might be playing a bit too much into the nostalgia factor with a Legends resurrection and can’t quite avoid making readers ask “why more Vader,” but it does have some intriguing mysteries I might want to see solved. In the interest of time, I’m only reviewing the first issue, but will return to review the whole miniseries once it’s completed later this year. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Target Vader #1”