Tag: Elisabetta D’Amico

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #8 – Phase III

high republic adventures 8 2023 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

Lula Talisola, Zeen Mrala, Farzala Tarabal, and Qort attempt to escape certain doom above Eriadu while we follow…Krix Kamerat, of all people, deep within Nihil territory, aboard Marchion Ro’s Gaze Electric?! The High Republic Adventures #8 – Phase III is another thrilling and emotional issue for the series! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #8 – Phase III”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #7 – Phase III

high republic adventures 7 2023 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

With the Nihil knocking on Eridau’s doors, the Jedi and Republic rush to get everyone to safety in case they get swallowed by the Stormwall, but despite the urgency, there’s always room for love, right? Find out in my review of The High Republic Adventures #7 – Phase III! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #7 – Phase III”