Tag: Jason Aaron

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #11

Marvel Star Wars #11

Spoiler Review –

Chewie vs Dengar. Luke vs…a big old monster. And Han spills mostly all the truth about his dear wife, Sana Solo. Things stay busy as usual in another entertaining issue #11 for Star Wars, continuing the main series’ sense of adventure and pushing us towards what should be an exciting finale. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #11”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #10

Marvel Star Wars #10

Spoiler Review –

While there weren’t any Hutts punching anyone again, there were enough epic Wookiee smack-downs to make up for it. Star Wars #10 focuses its time on setting up for bigger events, but manages to do so in a mostly entertaining way. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #10”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #9

Marvel Star Wars #9

Spoiler Review –

Sana and Leia might just start to bond over their desire to put snarky Han in his place while Luke gets Hutt-slapped into slavery. Okay, it doesn’t happen exactly like that, but the latest issue of Star Wars, #9, is a return to form and full of fun, adventure-filled moments we’ve come to expect from the flagship series. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #9”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #8

Marvel Star Wars #8 Review

Spoiler Review –

The second arc, subtitled “Showdown on the Smugglers’ Moon,” for the Star Wars series begins in issue #8 and brings with it a new artist in Stuart Immonen. Luke looks for a way to the Jedi’s home while Han and Leia deal with the fallout of Han’s wife tracking them down, making for an entertaining issue that dodges some bigger questions to bring us some fantastic character moments. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #8”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #7

Marvel Star Wars #7

Spoiler Review –

The Star Wars series takes a break from its main storyline in issue #7 and offers a breather in the form of a one-off starring Obi-Wan Kenobi during his time on Tatooine. After reading #7, I’d be perfectly content with every arc from the Star Wars series being split by another entry in Old Ben’s Journal. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #7”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #6

Marvel Star Wars #6

Spoiler Review –

With a battle between Luke and Boba Fett, the discovery of what Obi-Wan left in his box for Luke, a completely unexpected twist for a favorite character, and Vader finally learning a vital truth which will reshape his and Luke’s lives forever, Star Wars #6 wraps up the series’ first arc in a grand fashion you’ll soon never forget. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #6”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #5

Marvel Star Wars #5

Spoiler Review –

After the Star Wars series took a breath with the previous issue, things picked back up for #5, as Leia and Han go out on a mission to scout new base locations and Luke finds himself at Obi-Wan’s Tatooine home, but both run into some entertaining trouble. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #5”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #4

Marvel Star Wars #4

Spoiler Review –

Leia and Luke get restless, Vader makes a ‘deal’ with Jabba, and a mysterious new stranger is on the hunt for Solo. Star Wars #4 takes a break from the action packed first three issues to shuffle pieces around the board and deal with the consequences of the Cymoon 1 operation for our heroes.
Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #4”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #2

Star Wars #2

Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #2 feels like unpausing the movie that was Star Wars #1, and without ever really slowing the pace, it’s suddenly time to pause again. This is a ride you’ll want to get on soon.
Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #2”