Tag: Kev Walker

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #5

Doctor Aphra #5

Spoiler Review –

In Doctor Aphra #5, the first arc’s penultimate issue, neither plot nor character arcs are sacrificed as both advance in exciting and memorable ways only the Aphras can allow in another excellent and deep entry that makes the wait for the finale all the more antagonizing.  Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #5”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #4

Doctor Aphra #4

Spoiler Review –

Chelli and Papa Aphra, along with the murderbots and Krrsantan, make their escape of Yavin IV in the action packed Doctor Aphra #4, setting in motion events and confrontations for the final issues of the first arc. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #4”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #3

Doctor Aphra #3

Spoiler Review –

Aphra, her father, the muderbots, and Krrsantan head to Imperial-controlled Yavin IV…what could go wrong? In Doctor Aphra #3, it’s more of what surprisingly goes right, as the search for the Ordu Aspectu might not be as foolish as everyone once thought and Papa Aphra drops a doozy: Aphra’s full name! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #3”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #2

Doctor Aphra #2

Spoiler Review –

Rest assured, after Boop’s second issue, the good Doctor is in and firing on all cylinders, providing laughs at every turn of the page as Doctor Aphra #2 outdoes the first issue in every aspect. Just don’t call Aphra “Boop” ever again. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #2”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #1

Doctor Aphra #1

– Spoiler Review –

I did my best to check my expectations and excitement at the door, but even though I mostly didn’t, Doctor Aphra #1, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Kev Walker, and colors by Antonio Fabela, does not disappoint, kicking off the series in as delightful and humorous fashion as one comes to expect from anything having to do with the good Doctor. It establishes the series’ more intimate focus, builds on Aphra’s many great characteristics, and gives her co-stars a chance to shine as they are want to do. And to sweeten the pot, there’s a flashback one-shot delving into the tale of how Aphra got her doctorate, brought to life by Gillen and Darth Vader series veterans Salvador Larroca and Edgar Delgado. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #1”

Doctor Aphra Comic Series Announced, Drops December! (UPDATED)

doctor-aphra-1-aForget about the logistics (the when/how/why in-universe) of the newly announced Doctor Aphra comic series for a moment and consider this: not only is Aphra’s series the first to be based on an original character, but it’s also the first on-going with a female lead (Princess Leia had the first female lead, though it was in a mini-series), a person-of-color, and a member of the LGBT community. This is a big leap for Star Wars comics, and mainstream comic publishers as a whole and should be lauded simply for all its inclusiveness. With all that in mind let’s unpack the details of the series, coming to comic shops near you December 7, below! (UPDATE: Review for isssue #1 here!) Continue reading “Doctor Aphra Comic Series Announced, Drops December! (UPDATED)”

Yoda-Centric Star Wars Comic Arc Announced, New On-Going Series Teased (UPDATED)

Yoda arc and new on-going teasedIn my review of the last “Journals of Old Ben Kenobi,” the one-off tales that split up new arcs for the Star Wars mainline comic series, I wrote that it had, “a sense of finality” to it and I’d be okay if they didn’t return to his time on Tatooine (though I’d gladly take more). Technically they will be returning, but instead of a tale of Obi-Wan’s deeds it’ll be of Yoda’s deeds. And not only is it a full arc instead of a one-off, it’ll be drawn by Salvador Larroca, the genius artist behind the Darth Vader series. Can this just come out now, please?!? Also, it looks like those curious to see what new on-going will replace the DV series might have their first clues as what to expect (*cough*Aprha*cough*). More details below! Continue reading “Yoda-Centric Star Wars Comic Arc Announced, New On-Going Series Teased (UPDATED)”