Tag: Ramon Rosanas

Star Wars Comics March 2021 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics March 2021 Solicitations

It’s crazy to think March means it’s been one year since the COVID-19 pandemic’s threat was beginning to become clear and lockdowns began, though they ended far too shortly. Star Wars comics took a break shortly after, the lockdowns affecting shipping and setting the industry back by months, but they’ve been arriving in a steady stream once distribution began again. In March of 2021, the Star Wars comics solicitations offer plenty of content to look forward to, from Leia Organa and Kes Dameron swapping love stories, spooky shenanigans in The High Republic era, Aphra and Sana overcoming their differences potentially, the return of the Crimson Corsair, and more so head below to check them out! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics March 2021 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #8 (Vol. 2) / “The Will of Takin” Arc Review

Star Wars #8 (Vol 2) Mynock Manor Review

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #8 wraps up a short but vital arc, “The Will of Tarkin,” by injecting the series’ new villain with backstory while pushing Tarkin’s doctrine to a whole new interesting level with Leia, which will unfold over the following arc. Consider this review to also be my arc review for the two issues. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #8 (Vol. 2) / “The Will of Takin” Arc Review”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #7 (Vol. 2)

Star Wars #7 (Vol 2) Mynock Manor Review

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #7 (Vol. 2) begins the next arc of Charles Soule’s relaunched series, “The Will of Tarkin,” digging into the intriguing Commander Zahra’s past while the Leia and the rebels begin enacting plans to save the Rebel Fleet. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #7 (Vol. 2)”

Star Wars Comics November 2020 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics November 2020 Solicitations

November is usually a time for large gatherings of family and friends from all over the country for Thanksgiving traditions here in the States, but it’s still an unknown if that’ll even be possible this year. Despite the pandemic, one of the most important elections in this country’s history will take place, so make sure you’re registered and make your voice heard. And then of course, do your best to enjoy these upcoming issues of Star Wars comics, which include a few new artists on series, the promise of the most epic dog fight in comic history, the return of Sana Starros to wreak havoc on Aphra’s life, and more! Head below to check them out. UPDATE 8/23: IDW’s solicits came in and there’s Life Day shenanigans and…Baby Yoda!! UPDATE 10/11: More IDW shenangians with their schedule but it looks like things are normalizing/finally being set in stone! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics November 2020 Solicitations”

Mynock Manor Suggests: Rose Tico Expanded Content

Mynock Manor Suggests Rose Tico Expanded Content 2

Staying at hotels, B&Bs, and even Airbnb’s there are often concierge services available about what to see and do in the area you’re visiting, so we’ve opened the concierge desk at the Manor to offer suggestions on what to read, watch, and enjoy when wanting to find out more about your favorite Star Wars characters now that you have the free time to do so! One of the break out stars from the Sequel Trilogy is Rose Tico – mechanic, hero, and a good motivator. Ever wondered what it would look like to serve behind the scenes of the Resistance? Or have you ever wondered what courage in the face of evil and hatred looks like? Look no further, as we explore the life of Rose.

Continue reading “Mynock Manor Suggests: Rose Tico Expanded Content”

Canon Comic Maxiseries Review: Age of Star Wars

Age of Star Wars Maxiseries Review

Focusing on Heroes and Villains from all three current eras, with different writers and artists for each Age, the Age of Star Wars maxiseries was an ambitious and interesting project from the start. While it didn’t always live up to expectations, it brought deep explorations of fan favorites and little glimpses into unseen moments Continue reading “Canon Comic Maxiseries Review: Age of Star Wars”

Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Age of Resistance

Age of Resistance Miniseries Review

– Spoiler Review –

In the final entry in the Age of Star Wars maxiseries, the Age of Resistance miniseries delves into the characters and setting of the sequel trilogy, expanding on what we already know about some of the era’s best characters with exciting side adventures, but with one final movie on the way, most of the stories come short of adding anything. Continue reading “Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Age of Resistance”

Canon Comic Review: Age of Resistance – Rey #1

Age of Resistance Rey #1

– Spoiler Review –

Age of Resistance – Rey #1 provides so many great moments, even though it takes place just before Rey arrives on Ahch-To, it’s easily my favorite issue of the entire “Age of Star Wars” maxiseries. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Age of Resistance – Rey #1”

Canon Comic Review: Age of Resistance – Rose Tico #1

Age of Resistance Rose Tico #1

– Spoiler Review –

Glimpse back at the Tico sisters’ past, and why they fight, in Age of Resistance – Rose Tico #1, an issue which gives the two characters the backstory they deserve. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Age of Resistance – Rose Tico #1”

Canon Comic Review: Age of Resistance – Poe Dameron #1

Age of Resistance Poe Dameron #1

– Spoiler Review –

Age of Resistance – Poe Dameron #1 reveals how the hotshot became inspired to be more than just another flyboy, and it comes from a surprising and fitting person. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Age of Resistance – Poe Dameron #1”