Tag: Schism Imperial (comic arc)

Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #45 (Vol. 3)

Darth Vader 45 2020 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

Darth Vader and the Schism Imperial’s march to defeat Emperor Palpatine takes the group to Tython, where the Schism confronts an overly eager new member and Vader a spectre of someone very close to him in Darth Vader #45 (Vol. 3). Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #45 (Vol. 3)”

Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #44 (Vol. 3)

Darth Vader 44 2020 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

The sense there’s no returning to the series normal of Vader trying to usurp his Master again continues in Darth Vader #44 (Vol. 3). Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #44 (Vol. 3)”

Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #43 (Vol. 3)

Darth Vader 43 2020 rview mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

Darth Vader #43 (Vol. 3) offers some much appreciate clarity and a great sense of forward momentum, though it still offers up something very intriguing but doesn’t linger on the repercussions. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #43 (Vol. 3)”

Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #42 (Vol. 3)

Darth Vader 42 2020 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

It seems it’s not just Vader, Crimson Dawn, or the Rebellion looking to take out the Empire’s Sith-ly mastermind, but also now the Schism Imperial?! And what dark plans does the Sith Lord have after his run in with the Scourge entity? Find out what it’s all about in my review of Darth Vader #42 (Vol. 3). Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #42 (Vol. 3)”