Although previously revealed a few months ago, the two books have now been officially announced for release on May 2: Rebel Rising and Guardians of the Whills, which are set to fill in important backstories for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story characters. Rebel Rising, by Beth Revis, explores Jyn Erso’s time with Saw Gerrera before he abandons her, while Guardians of the Whills, by Greg Rucka, will follow Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus as they deal with the beginning of the Imperial occupation of Jedha. Check out the synopses, full covers, and links to excerpts below! Continue reading “Rogue One Character Novels Expand Jyn, Chirrut, and Baze Backstories”
Category: Novel News
It’s a Wrap: Celebration Europe 2016 News Roundup – Han Solo Casting, Ep. VIII Teases, Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel Author Revealed, Battlefront DLC
While I’ve written up a few articles already for what I managed to see at Celebration Europe 2016 mid-July, but I’m not going to be able to cover all of what I did and didn’t see in as much detail as normal. However, this article will cover the best of the rest in regards to news and reveals you might have missed (and I didn’t make a separate article for), including the very unsurprising reveal of the young Han Solo actor, some teases from Rian Johnson regarding Ep. VIII, author reveals for upcoming Rogue One related novels, new Battlefront DLC bringing space battles and Rogue One content this year, and more! Continue reading “It’s a Wrap: Celebration Europe 2016 News Roundup – Han Solo Casting, Ep. VIII Teases, Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel Author Revealed, Battlefront DLC”
Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Panel/Press Conference Details: Trailer, Grand Admiral Thrawn (& Novel), New Characters (SWCE 2016)
With each passing year, Star Wars Rebels gets bigger both in terms of content and fans. Season three looks to be no different, especially with the show bringing us into the larger Rebellion, the introduction of Grand Admiral Thrawn (!!) to canon, the crew changing due to the events on Malachor in the S2 finale, a deeper dive in Sabine’s life, Wedge Antilles joining the Rebellion, and Maul’s continued presence being a thorn in everyone’s side. Once you’re done with your fiftieth viewing of the trailer above head down below for more details learned about S3 from the panel. Continue reading “Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Panel/Press Conference Details: Trailer, Grand Admiral Thrawn (& Novel), New Characters (SWCE 2016)”
Aftermath: Life Debt Excerpts Tease Pregnant Leia, Han Solo, Maz Kanata (UPDATED)
Aftermath: Life Debt is only a few days away from release and some excerpts for the upcoming novel have found their way online. The first one (which released in April) follows the main heroes introduced in the original Aftermath as they have an unexpected run-in with a familiar scoundrel’s face, while the second excerpt stars Leia as she uses the Force to sense the baby growing inside her! Lastly, the third teases an interlude that takes place at Maz Kanata’s castle. UPDATE: 7/11: A fourth excerpt has dropped, the day before release, and it has the sad story of the rancor keeper from Return of the Jedi. More details, including some clarifications from Chuck Wendig (the author), below. Continue reading “Aftermath: Life Debt Excerpts Tease Pregnant Leia, Han Solo, Maz Kanata (UPDATED)”
SWCE 2016 News Roundup Pt. 2: Panel Schedule is Live, Exclusive Art, VR Experience (UPDATED)
Celebration Europe 2016 draws ever closer (July 15-17) and more details about the event has surfaced, including the nearly complete panel schedule going live so attendees can begin to plan accordingly, what prints will be exclusively available at the art show, and that ILMxLAB is bringing its Trials of Tatooine VR demo to the show! As exciting as some of the panels are this year, if I only get to play the VR demo I’ll be happy (…maybe). Details on all the above, plus a run-down on the schedule, below! Continue reading “SWCE 2016 News Roundup Pt. 2: Panel Schedule is Live, Exclusive Art, VR Experience (UPDATED)”
Ahsoka Tano Novel Coming October 2016!
Just like the announcement of the book (from Nerdist), I won’t spoil anything from the Star Wars Rebels Season 2 finale regarding Ahsoka Tano’s fate (update: my review does), but the upcoming YA novel simply titled Ahsoka will reveal pivotal moments in her life during the great swath of time between her final The Clone Wars appearance and her re-emergence in Rebels. As excited as I am for the Leia-centric novel Bloodline and the Rogue One prequel novel, this just shot up to the top of my list simply because more Ahsoka is a damn good thing in my book. More details below! Continue reading “Ahsoka Tano Novel Coming October 2016!”
Rogue One Prequel Novel and Comic Announced, New Bloodline Details Revealed at C2E2 2016 (UPDATED)
We might not have much regarding December’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story at the moment, but that hasn’t stopped Marvel and Del Rey announcing tie-in material set to launch in October. On top of that, the Del Rey panel at C2E2 2016 revealed some new details regarding the Leia-centric Bloodline. Continue reading “Rogue One Prequel Novel and Comic Announced, New Bloodline Details Revealed at C2E2 2016 (UPDATED)”
Star Wars: Bloodline Details, Cover, and Excerpt Revealed
Once titled Star Wars: New Republic: Bloodline, USAToday revealed a new title Star Wars: Bloodline, its cover, that it’ll star Leia Organa herself “some” 6 years before The Force Awakens, and they have an excerpt from the novel’s 13th chapter. All the above, including the author being Claudia Gray, have bumped this novel up from possibly exciting to must read. My thoughts on some hints dropped by both the article and Gray herself regarding its content below. (UPDATE 5/10/16: My review of Bloodline is live!) Continue reading “Star Wars: Bloodline Details, Cover, and Excerpt Revealed”
NYCC 2015: New Star Wars Novels, Short Stories, and Comics Announced! (UPDATED)
It’s already seemingly a fantastic time to be a Star Wars fan, what with 6 new films on the horizon and all the comics and novels already in the works, but it’s only going to get better and better: at NYCC the other two entries in the Aftermath Trilogy got subtitles (and release windows), Claudia Gray has a new novel, a couple of short stories are on the way, and a new comics series called Obi-Wan and Anakin were all announced! Your wallets won’t be happy with an awakening of this magnitude. Continue reading “NYCC 2015: New Star Wars Novels, Short Stories, and Comics Announced! (UPDATED)”
Star Wars: Aftermath Excerpt Paints Ugly Post-Return of the Jedi Picture
Just recently it was revealed fan-favorite Wedge Antilles would be headlining Star Wars: Aftermath (Update: he definitely isn’t), the first in Chuck Wendig’s post-Return of the Jedi trilogy, and now we have an excerpt from the upcoming novel. Whether it’s the grim opening showing war is far from over, how it handles Wedge, an awesome connection to the first new canon novel A New Dawn, or the present-tense writing, there’s a lot to discuss (and enjoy) about Aftermath. My thoughts on the excerpt are below (Update: and here’s my review of the novel!). Continue reading “Star Wars: Aftermath Excerpt Paints Ugly Post-Return of the Jedi Picture”
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