Category: Other Publications

Captain Phasma Novel and Comic Miniseries, Leia YA Novel, and Ken Liu Penned Luke Book Start Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SWCO 2017)

Journey to Star Wars The Last JediThe Lucasfilm’s Publishing Writer’s Roundtable on Friday was a pleasant panel where we got to spend some time with various authors across various mediums and age-ranges of material discussing their process and writing for Star Wars. It all ended with a bang, as the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi initiative was announced (a similar program was in place for The Force Awakens), where hints for the new film will be hidden in the Phasma novel by Deliah S. Dawson, the Captain Phasma comic miniseries by Kelly Thompson, Leia: The Princess of Alderaan YA novel by Claudia Gray (!!), and Ken Liu’s (!!!) The Legends of Luke Skywalker, and much more! Details within and some additional insights from the Del Rey panel Saturday as well.

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Documentary Reviews: Elstree 1976 & I Am Your Father

Documentary Reviews Elstree 1976 and I Am Your Father

The making of the original Star Wars trilogy is stock full of adventure and pitfall nearly as famous as the on screen antics of Luke, Han and Leia. The telling of these behind the scenes stories is a crowded space (see for instance J.W Rinzler’s outstanding Making Of series) with newer additions sadly often treading familiar ground. It’s encouraging then to see a handful of documentary filmmakers looking for more obscure tales from those who may have been on the Star Wars set only for a day, or for a couple of weeks, but who nonetheless have carved their own little slice of history and have the scars to prove it. Continue reading “Documentary Reviews: Elstree 1976 & I Am Your Father”

Young Reader’s Review: Backstories: Princess Leia: Royal Rebel

Princess Leia Royal Rebel (Backstories)

In a world where everything – everything – is canon, you never know where the latest offerings may come from. While there have been obvious offerings like movies or comics, there have also been sticker books, atlases, and finally, young reader’s books. And, hey, would you believe it – young readers are given a treat most of us would rather pass over in Backstories: Princess Leia: Royal Rebel!

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Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide Review

Rogue One The Ultimate Visual Guide

If you have ever wished that you could know more about a film than would ever be necessary, then Pablo Hildago has an incredible gift for you. Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide contains a galaxy’s worth of knowledge within its pages, giving a depth to Rogue One’s lore that makes it feel like a franchise all its own.

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Young Reader’s Review: Rogue One: Rebel Dossier

Rogue One Rebel Dossier

Recently, massive multi-media pushes have accompanied everything from films to new TV shows to video games. Battlefront was accompanied by the Twilight Company novel, while Rebels gained a little supplementary material from My Rebel Sketchbook. The Force Awakens got two supplementary young reader’s books: both Rey’s Survival Journal and Poe Dameron: Flight Log, or even retellings such as Finn’s Story. Similarly, Rogue One released alongside the Rebel Dossier. How does this dossier stack up against the previous supplements?

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Young Reader’s Review: Poe Dameron: Flight Log

Poe Dameron: Flight Log

Poe Dameron: Flight Log is the latest series of in-universe journals written from the perspective of a main character. Poe’s edition follows another from The Force Awakens: Rey’s Survival Guide. It also follows two from Rebels: Ezra and Sabine. Is this book worth the $10 ticket price?

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Young Reader Review: The Force Awakens: Finn’s Story

The Force Awakens: Finn's Story

-Spoiler Review-

Set in the same vein as Rey’s Story, a young reader’s adaptation of The Force Awakens which showed the events of the film through Rey’s eyes, released earlier this year, comes Finn’s Story. Jesse Holland re-tells the narrative of The Force Awakens through Finn’s eyes, maybe one of the most undeveloped points of the view in the Sequel Trilogy so far. Is there enough worth gleaning from Finn’s eyes to justify another retreading of the film?

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Young Reader Review by Chris: Beware the Power of the Dark Side!

Beware the Power of the Dark Side

With the media onslaught for the release of The Force Awakens, Disney formed a new line of retellings of the Original Trilogy movies aimed at kids. Rather than acting as new novelizations of the film, these adaptations were loose translations of the Original Trilogy, recast in a new light for kids (and adults) to get a new angle on the story in a new age. Alexandria Bracken’s The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farmboy reimagined A New Hope through the eyes of Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker, where each character’s unique viewpoint covered a third of the movie each. Adam Gidwitz’s So You Want to be a Jedi? Is a second-person retelling of The Empire Strikes Back, putting you into the boots of Luke Skywalker as he trains to be a Jedi. Tom Angelberger’s Beware the Power of the Dark Side! is a young adult/YA adaptation of the script for The Return of the Jedi.

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Young Reader Review by Chris: So You Want to be a Jedi?

So You Want to be a Jedi

-Spoiler Review-

With the media onslaught for the release of The Force Awakens, Disney formed a new line of retellings of the Original Trilogy movies aimed at kids. Rather than acting as new novelizations of the film, these adaptations were loose translations of the Original Trilogy, recast in a new light for kids (and adults) to get a new angle on the story in a new age. Alexandria Bracken’s The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farmboy reimagined A New Hope through the eyes of Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker, where each character’s unique viewpoint covered a third of the movie each. Angelberger’s Beware the Power of the Dark Side! is a young adult adaptation of the script for The Return of the Jedi. Adam Gidwitz’s So You Want to be a Jedi? might be the most..unique adaptation of the three: it retells the story of The Empire Strikes Back through a second person narrative through the eyes of Luke Skywalker, putting you into his shoes and seeing the events of the movies through his eyes. Continue reading “Young Reader Review by Chris: So You Want to be a Jedi?”