Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #12

High Republic Adventures 12 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

As The High Republic Adventures returns with its penultimate issue #12, it brings back a conceit from its very beginning to serve a long-bubbling and exciting storyline, resulting in one of the most hopeful and fulfilling issues of the era and Star Wars comics as a whole.

High Republic Adventures 12 Full CoverIt feels like it has been more than a year since this delightful series began (it’ll celebrate the milestone in February), and the era as a whole, but it’s clear it has always been leading to these last two* issues. In the opening issue, The High Republic Adventures introduced us to Lula Talisola and Zeen Mrala, hinting at a connection between them with bisecting panels and lettering thought bubbles that mixed their colors together. It’s been a special friendship ever since, from how they accept one another, depend on one another, and lean on one another, leading to fans, including myself, shipping these two together. Writer Daniel José Older and the art team, frequently during issues with Harvey Tolibao, have hinted at the possibility for some time, from their meditations with one another, supportive and caring dialogue, and so many little things unsaid. A queer relationship in an all-ages comic seemed almost too good to be true, as it would be a perfect place for fans, especially the younger crowd, to see themselves in and see the normality of their inclinations. With all the hugs and tight friendships, The High Republic Adventures has always felt like the most welcoming, supportive place in Star Wars, so it’s felt right to watch these two grow closer over the course of the series, and it’s been bubbling just below the surface for some time now to see if it would commit to Zeen and Lula being together or not. In THRA #12, their connection is finally, canonically embraced in a wonderfully joyous series of panels, building to the moment and saving it for the final page, making the whole endeavor totally worth the wait. Employing the techniques Older and team have used to hint at their deeper connection from issue #1, once again there are bisecting panels, dueling dialogue as they both work to the same conclusion, and the overlapping colored thought bubbles, showing how rewarding and fulfilling the realization of their relationship is for them as it is for fans. And since Older himself has mentioned the overlap between this issue and his upcoming The High Republic – Midnight Horizon novel (Feb 1), without spoiling anything I will say if you were overjoyed by the events as depicted here, you DO NOT want to miss the upcoming book, though really everyone should check it out regardless. There’s a corner Older has carved out for himself in this era and it feels like a big damn hug to all fans on any and all spectrums, while I’m most glad queer fans have been served with so much care here; fans certainly showed their love and support for the moment!

That it all comes to pass as these Starlight Padawans close in on Zeen’s old friend turned Nihil, Krix Kamerat, only makes it more special. The issue starts with Lula learning she’s to co-lead a task force with Buckets of Blood to go after Krix, while her Master Kantam Sy and Reath Silas are off to Corellia to investigate a potential Nihil presence, a surprise given it’s a core world. For Lula, this should be the biggest honor, as it’s likely the last step before she’s Knighted, but she can only think of Zeen. For Zeen, being this close to stopping Krix worries her and how she’d react, so she decides to volunteer for Corellia instead, which she knows will hurt Lula and herself since she’d rather they go everywhere together, though she’s worried Lula’s upcoming promotion will mean they can’t anymore so she’s trying to get used to it now. They both struggle through these feelings for each other, this pull to be together, though for Lula, her Jedi path only makes it harder to parse through, especially as a lesson from Sy regarding learning to love and let go rings around her head. Once Krix’s location is narrowed down, Zeen chooses instead to join Lula and her task force to the planet Dol’har Hyde, wanting to see this through with her friend by her side than let her go it alone. As they close in on his final hiding spot, the two might be separated, but their connection, their love, allows them to coordinate the final moments before capturing Krix, Farzala and Qort along for the big moment.

Finally capturing Krix, stopping his own specific reign of terror against the galaxy is a big moment for the series, even if he warns plans are already in motion that the Jedi can’t stop (once again, read Midnight Horizon when it releases!). The fact he ever trusted Sabata Krill, or any Nihil for that matter, does seem to show the young boy who was Zeen’s friend is still inside, but it’s far to late and he must face his crimes. For Zeen, it means she can put the past finally behind her and embrace whatever the future will bring, and for the series it closes out an interesting and unique choice to turn Krix into such a villain. I’ll be curious what the story all covers in issue #13, if it deals with more come the book and maybe content from The Fallen Star too? We won’t have to wait very long to find out.

For these final issues, as I mentioned before it’s once again Harvey Tolibao, alongside Pow Rodrix on art, with Rebecca Nalty on colors and Jake M. Wood on letters. There’s something special about having Tolibao back for these final issues, especially with the return of the dual panels and whatnot, as it adds extra strength to the symbolism and gives these touching, final moments a sense of full-circle and closure. When Zeen volunteers, the look of sadness but resolve on Lula’s face reminded me a lot of the opening issue as well, with all the talk of putting on a mask like the Masters could, so since she can now shows she’s evolved as well, while Zeen’s sheepishness shows she’ll always wear her feelings on her sleeve. The battle scenes are classic with this art team, overstuffed with laser and explosions and noise that it really feels like a chaotic battle instead of a little part of a smaller whole off-panel, Nalty’s colors helping to parse out some of the noise for readers. Wood’s lettering impacts the battle scenes a lot, but the way he helps move readers around the panels, especially in the split ones, aids in the magic of those moments so well.

Here are a few other things:

  • *There are technically still two issues left, with one being the Galactic Bake-off Spectacular (which includes a real recipe to cook at home!) and the other the grand finale for The High Republic Adventures’ Phase I story, issue #13. With the upcoming Phase II in October, Older will return to write THRA, though it’ll be through Dark Horse now and a graphic novel instead.
  • Planet Dol’har Hyde was first seen in Doctor Aphra #7 (Vol. 2), where we see the aftermath of the battle which takes place here.
  • I really hope we’ll get to see that Dug Jedi Master in action one day!

The High Republic Adventures #12 is joyous payoff to nearly a years’ worth of build-up, resolving various threads while celebrating the core relationship fans have come to love. Can’t wait to see what this team has in store for the finale!


+ …seriously, Lula and Zeen coming to embrace their feelings!

+ Krix Nixed

+ Harvey Tolibao and art team’s full-circle goodness

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor.

#1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | #10 | #11 / Annual 2021

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