Star Wars Resistance Review: “Synara’s Score”

Star Wars Resistance Synara's Score

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars Resistance spares no time in dealing with the newest arrival to the Colossus, and her less than savory connections, in “Synara’s Score.”

Star Wars Resistance Synara's ScoreWhile “Synara’s Score” mentions its been a few weeks since Kaz and Poe rescued Synara and brought her aboard the Colossus, it’s only been one episode since for us so I was a little surprised, but totally delighted, Resistance wasted no time in dealing with the repercussions of Synara’s ties to the pirates, on the First Order’s behalf, attacking the station. When Yeager’s crew is tasked with repairing the tracking systems on the station’s guns, a vital repair due to the Aces being sent away to protect a shipment, they desperately need a part and end up going to Synara, who has established herself as a scavenger since we last saw her. Of course she has questions about the part they need and connects the dots when she notices Captain Doza and Yeager speaking as she spies about the station. Calling in Kragan, Synara begins a pirate attack which hits the station with a hard punch. I had imagined we wouldn’t see Synara calling in her pirate pals until a little later this season, but I was very happy to have it dealt with right away, reminding us about her true purpose and ensuring the stakes continue to raise on the show. The episode does offer the potential for Synara to switch sides, as her pirate heart could be turned as Yeager’s crew, specifically Tam Ryvora, endure themselves to her. Having Synara and Tam spend some significant time together was a great change of pace for the show, as it’s not very often there is more than one female character in a scene with one another on Resistance, and I’m pretty sure their chats would easily pass the Bechdel Test with flying colors, another pleasant surprise. We learn more about Tam’s backstory this episode, as she reveals to Synara she was a racer, bet her ship to get repair parts, and lost a race, thus lost her racer, and now here she is on the Colossus, awaiting her second chance. The two are able to bond, which is why Tam rushes off to save Synara during the pirate attack, even though we know she won’t need it. Tam is a tough cookie, managing to fight a few pirates on her own, though she gets a little help from BB-8 and is saved by Synara, who does it both to help Tam and to protect her identity. Their friendship could be a very important one going forward, as like I said, it could be what makes Synara turn against the pirates, helping our heroes in a desperate hour I’m sure is to come in the episodes ahead.

Star Wars Resistance Synara's ScoreThe results of the big pirate attack leaves Captain Doza willing to entertain the First Order’s proposal for protection, and Commander Pyre promises to come out personally to go over the details. Doza could still turn them down, which I’m hoping is the case because it felt like he’s ducking and weaving a much larger game with the First Order back in “The Children From Tehar,” but I guess we’ll find out whenever the show deals with Pyre’s arrival. If he does give into FO pressure, I’ll be curious to see how the station deals with their new protection services, what the Aces would do about it, and if it would galvanize the FO spy to show themselves. My only hint that he might not take up the FO’s proposal is simply because the extended trailer contains plenty of footage, not yet in any episode, of the Aces still either flying in races or protecting the station, so finding out how and why he holds out as long as he does will be interesting to see, as will how Synara’s pirate allegiance could help tip Doza one way or another. While Doza and Yeager chat in brief spurts across the episode, there’s a sense of history and definitely trust, because he gave Yeager the job to repair a vital station component above anyone else. I hope we can dive a bit into their past together, as it might help us understand how Yeager got to the station, show us Doza’s ties to the underworld, and/or more.

Star Wars Resistance Synara's ScoreSpeaking of Yeager, he got a lot more to do this episode than he has all season, jumping into a man of action role after being the fatherly/boss figure for his crew. He pilots the repaired targeting computer to its place in the high tower, showing a little of his skills considering he was a pilot back at the Battle of Jakku, and then fends off pirate captain Kragan Gorr while piloting the repair tug AND saving Kaz, making him quite the mutli-talented fighter. His efforts throughout the episode have made me seriously doubt my predictions he’ll be the First Order spy on the Colossus, but the episode ends with a little line from him that reinvigorated my guess. After Yeager congratulates Kaz on a good job fighting the pirates and turn the tracker into its housing, he reveals to Kaz how suspicious he finds the timing of the pirate attack, making me happy to know Resistance doesn’t let characters get too clueless. As Kaz guesses, that means there’s another spy on the station besides him (um, weren’t you sent to track down spies in the first place, Kaz?!) and Yeager ominously intones Kaz has never been the only spy on the station. While I don’t think Yeager would be too careless about his potential spy position, this is a good reminder to fans watching the show that the spy Kaz is searching for could be anyone. The next episode will deal with Yeager’s estranged brother, so expect to see more of Yeager soon, as well as maybe learn a little bit more about his family and what happened to them.

Here are a few other things:

  • The little janitor guy has been fun to watch out for in the background of the episodes. This one he’s playing catch with people’s trash and even chases a pirate with his custom scrubber, hilarious little moments I enjoyed. The furry little creature, a Frigosian, has some really creepy members of its species, as seen in the Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens book from 2015.
  • New Weequay pirate Drell, who Synara speaks with briefly, is voiced by David Shaughnessy, who voiced Commandant Aresko and Taskmaster Grint in Star Wars Rebels, both of which perished in a single episode!
  • UPDATE: This episode’s Bucket List reveals an Air Force One reference and more.
  • While we know episode names/descriptions up to the next episode of the series, we’re still in the dark about what’s coming in regards to a winter break, as most shows are want to do over the holiday season. I’m curious to learn how many more episodes out of the 22 we’ll get before such a break, as this is already #8. UPDATE: Looks like two episodes in December, according to the press release from ABC/Disney!
  • Donald Faison, who plays Hype Fazon, stopped by the Star Wars Show for a fun interview and tour. A week prior, Josh Brenner, aka Neeku, also had an interview. Hopefully this means more of the cast will find their way on the show soon!

Star Wars Resistance‘s “Synara’s Score” reveals they won’t sit on story threads for too long, instead taking advantage of them to keep the series moving.

+ Wasting no time dealing with Synara’s true purpose on the station

+ Tam and Synara’s friendship

+ Yeager in action

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website @MynockManor.


Season One – Ep. 1.1/1.2: “The Recruit” | Ep. 1.3: “The Triple Dark” | Ep. 1.4 “Fuel for the Fire” | Ep. 1.5: “The High Tower” | Ep. 1.6: “The Children From Tehar” | Ep. 1.7: “Signal From Sector Six” | Ep. 1.9: “The Platform Classic” | Ep. 1.10: “Secrets and Holograms” | Ep. 1.11: “Station Theta-Black” | Ep. 1.12: “Bibo” | Ep. 1.13: “Dangerous Business” | Ep. 1.14: “The Doza Dilemma“ | Ep. 1.15: “The First Order Occupation” | Ep. 1.16: “The New Trooper” | Ep. 1.17: “The Core Problem” | Ep. 1.18: “The Disappeared” | Ep. 1.19: “Descent” | Ep. 1.20: “No Escape” – Part One | Ep. 1.21: “No Escape” – Part Two

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