Comic News: Revelations One-Shot Glimpses Star Wars Comics’ Future

star wars revelations revealed
Fresh off new details of the coming end of Qi’ra’s comic trilogy in Hidden Empire, the official site also dropped the reveal about an upcoming one-shot in November that’ll let readers see the future of Star Wars comics! Star Wars: Revelations is a special 40-page one-shot, written by Marc Guggenheim, with art by Salvador Larroca, Paco Medina, and more to be announced, that will find Darth Vader conversing with The Eye of Webbish Bog again and gaining a peak at past, present, and future. Read on for a few more details, the gorgeous cover from Phil Noto, and what this might mean for all these tales set between Ep. V and IV!

Revelations sort of feels like the Empire Ascendant one-shot in 2019, which set up the coming series as they shifted their stories from post-A New Hope to post-The Empire Strikes Back, which is where they’ve largely stayed since 2020. Unlike that previous one-shot, Revelations is a little more nebulous about how much will actually be set up for the coming comics of 2023 and beyond, as Vader’s newest trip to The Eye of Webbish Bog will show him glimpses of past, present, and future, and writer Marc Guggenheim teases that means some previews of what’s to come from the various comics next year. I like the potential here for red-herrings to be involved, as we might think something is coming and then they either never do it or it happens differently than Vader saw it in this one-shot. Beyond having those glimpses across the Star Wars timeline (hopefully Vader sees something from The High Republic!), and having its own story to tell that’ll stand on its own, Revelations will offer some teases for Hidden Empire, the upcoming crossover event that is Qi’ra’s comic trilogy finale, also out in November.

star wars revelations full cover

Having been reading Marvel’s output since 2015 (later IDW and now looking forward to Dark Horse’s), you could really feel like the 4 years spent mainly in the post-A New Hope timeline was dragging on far too long, and while we’ve only been in the post-TESB since 2020, the fact it’s technically only like 6 months between that film and Return of the Jedi, it does feel like we’re now on borrowed time in this era too. Hopefully Revelations means we’ll be gaining ideas on how the comics will finally venture into what’s largely been in books and now live-action: post-Return of the Jedi. Even more, I hope Marvel doesn’t constrain itself to sticking all the series in the same timeframe, meaning maybe one or two can pick up shortly after the film and maybe some other series can explore other aspects of the time leading to the Sequel Trilogy. Or maybe we’ll get more sequel trilogy set content. Or maybe we’ll journey post-IX?! Revelations might not have any of that, but I’m enjoying the potential it could really blow Marvel’s work wide open into more avenues.

Either way, I love seeing not only Doctor Aphra on the cover by Phil Noto, but also Kho Phon Farrus and Sana Starros! Aphra being my favorite character is no secret, but writer Alyssa Wong has set up something quite special across their run so far, and Kho and Sana are a big part of that. Makes me a little worried if one of the Webbish Bog’s visions will reveal something not so pleasant in Aphra’s near future!

Joining Guggenheim, at least mentioned now and probably a few more will be announced with November’s comic solicitations next week, are Salvador Larroca and Paco Medina on art. While Medina is new to me, as he hasn’t worked on Star Wars comics in the past nor have I read anything with his art, Larroca was part of the original Darth Vader run from 2015-2016, but his tracing/reference style has led to memes and generally doesn’t look good, so I’m really hoping each of these visions have different artists or he’s only doing the framing story of Vader visiting the Eye.

Look for Star Wars: Revelations in November!

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor.

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