Tag: Andrea Broccardo

Canon Comic Review: Poe Dameron Annual #2

Poe Dameron Annual #2

– Spoiler Review –

Poe Dameron Annual #2 is the series’ last (for now…) and at least it’s a much better effort than the first, as Jody Houser spins an exciting, fun side-story for Black Squadron that surprises with a few hard tugs at the heartstrings. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Poe Dameron Annual #2”

Star Wars Comics November 2018 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics November 2018 Solicitations

Star Wars comics in November of 2018 have received their solicitations, so come along and peer into the comic’s future! November will see the release of a brand new miniseries, Han Solo – Imperial Cadet, which covers his time as, you guessed it, an Imperial Cadet, while both the Star Wars and Doctor Aphra series begin new arcs, with SW finally getting a new artist (!) and Aphra making it past the benchmark 25th issue. UPDATE: IDW’s solicitations have come in and one of their issues in November will tie-in to Star Wars Resistance, the new animated show! All that and more, below! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics November 2018 Solicitations”

Star Wars Comics August 2018 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics August 2018 Solicitations

It’s that time once again and the solicitations for upcoming Star Wars comics have rolled on in! August 2018 from Marvel will see a new one-shot focusing on Solo: A Star Wars Story character Tobias Beckett aka Han Solo’s mentor, Poe Dameron‘s second Annual brings an exciting debut, Aphra has the toughest challenge yet with her ex meeting her current girlfriend, Vader’s Mustafar Fortress being built, and so much more. Check out the details below! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics August 2018 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #8 – The Screaming Citadel Part 5

Doctor Aphra #8 - The Screaming Citadel Part 5

– Spoiler Review –

The Screaming Citadel crossover comes to a close in Part 5 – Doctor Aphra #8! While things don’t end as strong as they started, the finale delivers plenty of goods along its zany way, leaving the overall crossover as a memorable event and truly enjoyable experience. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #8 – The Screaming Citadel Part 5”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #7 – The Screaming Citadel Part 3

Doctor Aphra #7 - The Screaming Citadel Part 3

– Spoiler Review –

The fun and excitement of The Screaming Citadel crossover continues to build in Part 3 – Doctor Aphra #7! The reunion of Sana and Aphra is better than expected (and deadlier!), all the characters together is a blast (even if Leia feels slightly off), and despite the art feeling a bit out of place, things get even more out of control than I imagined was possible, making this another fine entry into what’s shaping up to be a memorable crossover. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #7 – The Screaming Citadel Part 3”

Doctor Aphra and Star Wars Comics Star in Marvel’s The Screaming Citadel Crossover

The Screaming Citadel AnnouncementWhen I first saw the announcement, I thought it was a joke, as The Screaming Citadel sounds like something out of a campy horror B-movie. Thankfully it wasn’t though, as it sounds like Marvel’s next crossover (the first being Vader Down) looks to embrace the title’s tone and give us a gothic-horror story set in the Star Wars universe. Even better, it’s a crossover of the mainline Star Wars series with my absolute favorite comic character to date, Doctor Aphra! Check out some choice details below to find out what awaits you dear comic reader when the crossover begins this May. UPDATE: Marco Checchetto, who will have artist duties on the one-shot start to the crossover, shares some new character designs, so check that out below too! Continue reading “Doctor Aphra and Star Wars Comics Star in Marvel’s The Screaming Citadel Crossover”

Canon Comic Review: Kanan #12

Kanan #12

Spoiler Review –

Here we are folks, the end the Kanan comic series is not near, it’s here. Issue #12 brings the continuously excellent series to a close (I named it my favorite series of 2015) and it’s quite a bittersweet ending. On one hand, it’s a wonderfully written wrap-up of various threads from the entire series as well as full of surprising tie-ins to stories elsewhere in canon. On the other hand, this is the last of it. And while there’s always a fear one can have too much of a good thing (as I know I want more of this series), I’d honestly say Kanan #12 ends things at just the right time with about as perfect of an ending as one can get. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Kanan #12”