Tag: Andres Mossa

Canon Comic Review: Obi-Wan & Anakin #5

Obi-Wan and Anakin #5

Spoiler Review –

The titular Jedi of Obi-Wan & Anakin not only bring a tentative peace to the planet of Carnelion IV in the series’ finale issue but we see just how far the Master is willing to follow the Padawan no matter his decision to leave the Jedi Order or not. Issue #5 wonderfully closes several hanging threads, brings an end to this entertaining character study of a series, and makes one wish there was more. If you’ve not been reading Obi-Wan & Anakin, correct that mistake as soon as you can! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Obi-Wan & Anakin #5”

Canon Comic Review: Obi-Wan & Anakin #4

Obi-Wan and Anakin #4

Spoiler Review –

Obi-Wan & Anakin issue #4, written by Charles Soule, art by Marcho Checchetto and colors by Andres Mossa, provides some much needed answers on the mystery of the Open and Closed of Carnelion IV, but it opens new ones at the same time. There are a few other reveals, including (definitively) why Anakin wants to leave the Jedi Order and who sent the distress signal, while the flashbacks between Anakin and Palpatine continue to steal the show. As has been the case in these first four issues, this is a series well worth a read, especially for fans itching for more Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Palpatine drama. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Obi-Wan & Anakin #4”

Canon Comic Review: Obi-Wan & Anakin #3

Obi-Wan and Anakin #3

Spoiler Review –

Obi-Wan & Anakin #3 deepens the mystery and intrigue in the ‘present’ surrounding the planet Carnelion IV, provides a more ‘honest’ look at the titular character’s feelings about their situations in life, while Palpatine’s time with Anakin in flashbacks fantastically lives up to high expectations. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Obi-Wan & Anakin #3”

Canon Comic Review: Obi-Wan & Anakin #2

Obi-Wan & Anakin #2

Spoiler Review –

The Obi-Wan & Anakin miniseries got off to a promising start in its first issue by introducing us to an intriguing Mad Max-like planet, Anakin having doubts about becoming a Jedi, and Palpatine asking to meet with the young Padawan. Issue #2 not only builds off those promises, but it takes them in even more exciting directions than I previously imagined, especially with Palpatine taking Anakin under his wing. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Obi-Wan & Anakin #2”

Canon Comic Review: Obi-Wan & Anakin #1

Obi-Wan and Anakin #1

Spoiler Review –

Out of all the comics so far released, I haven’t really anticipated any of them, but certainly enjoyed most, if not all of them. Obi-Wan & Anakin is the first one I’ve been eagerly awaiting and issue #1 sets up many things which could promise to make it more than I ever hoped for: Master and Padawan visit what basically amounts to a Mad Max planet in the Star Wars universe and there’s a slight twist to Anakin’s training, two things I can’t wait to see explored before the miniseries comes to a close. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Obi-Wan & Anakin #1”

Canon Comic Review: Shattered Empire #4

Shattered Empire #4

Spoiler Review –

By the will of the Force, Shara Bey finds herself helping Luke on a mission he deems vitally important. Shattered Empire #4 wraps up some questions, leaves several things tantalizing open, and gives Luke his first new canon post-Return of the Jedi moment (and it raises even more questions about his role in The Force Awakens), leaving me wishing this had been an on-going series instead of a limited one.
Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Shattered Empire #4”

Canon Comic Review: Shattered Empire #3

Shattered Empire #3

Spoiler Review –

Shattered Empire #3 is quite the exhilarating ride thanks to an epic battle above Naboo where it becomes clear the planet was lucky to have three badass lady pilots on the ground when the Empire attacked. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Shattered Empire #3”

Canon Comic Review: Shattered Empire #2

Shattered Empire #2

Spoiler Review –

While Shattered Empire didn’t have the strongest of starts, #2 says frak that and ups the ante and its game with a puzzling new Imperial character, a solid lead in Shara, and a what-the-hell ending. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Shattered Empire #2”

Canon Comic Review: Shattered Empire #1

Shattered Empire #1

Spoiler Review –

Shattered Empire is one of Marvel’s entries into the “Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens” initiative, taking place during and after the final moments of the Battle of Endor. While the series won’t be following Luke, Leia, or Han, the main character Shara Bey and her husband Kes will find themselves interacting with them throughout the limited 4 issue run. Issue #1 might be a little too chaotic for its own good, but it helps set up Shara and her husband while including fun little scenes with familiar characters and packing quite the surprising little tie to The Force Awakens. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Shattered Empire #1”