Tag: Ariana Maher

Canon Comic Review: War of the Bounty Hunters – IG-88 #1

War of the Bounty Hunters IG-88 #1 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

The last of the one-shots for the big crossover, War of the Bounty Hunters – IG-88 #1 presents some intriguing ideas by writer Rodney Barnes for the titular droid and droid sentience in general, has some stellar, understated art by Guiu Vilanova, but some confusing elements prevent it from reaching the highs of the previous one-shots. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: War of the Bounty Hunters – IG-88 #1”

Canon Comic Review: War of the Bounty Hunters – Boushh #1

Bounty Hunter Boushh One-Shot Comic Review Banner War of the Bounty Hunters

– Spoiler Review –

Doctor Aphra (Vol. 2) writer Alyssa Wong brings to life War of the Bounty Hunter‘s next one-shot, Boushh #1, where they deftly handle an expansion on the hunter and his compatriots while offering Tagge family intrigue that factors into their Aphra run and the larger crossover, while the art team of David Baldeón, Israel Silva, and Ariana Maher impresses to make this my favorite one-shot yet! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: War of the Bounty Hunters – Boushh #1”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #9

High Republic #9 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

It’s hard to ignore the cover for this issue of The High Republic, as it depicts Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis, who helped end the Drengir blight, in the outfit of the Nihil, but nothing is ever as it seems…head below for our review of the excellent start to the latest arc, “The Shadow of the Nihil!” Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #9”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #8

High Republic #8 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

The fight against the Drengir reaches it grand finale in The High Republic #8, where the way to win could either cause the Jedi to lose themselves in order to defeat this terrifying new foe or lose the galaxy to the impending horde if they don’t take drastic measures. Or is there another way? Find out in the thrilling conclusion to “The Heart of the Drengir!” Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #8”

Canon Comic Review: War of the Bounty Hunters – 4-LOM & Zuckuss #1

War of the Bounty Hunters - 4-LOM & Zuckuss Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

War of the Bounty Hunters – 4-LOM & Zuckuss #1, the next in a series of one-shots for the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover which delve into side tales the main stories don’t have time for, pits long time bounty hunting pals against one another after their disastrous defeat at the hands of Boba Fett. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: War of the Bounty Hunters – 4-LOM & Zuckuss #1”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #7

High Republic #7 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

Keeve Trennis can’t ever catch a break, can she?! The High Republic #7 is an emotional and frightening issue which doesn’t shy away from the fallout from Keeve’s drastic actions to track down the Great Progenitor of the Drengir. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #7”

Canon Comic Review: War of the Bounty Hunters – Jabba the Hutt #1

War of the Bounty Hunters - Jabba the Hutt #1 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

Joining the main miniseries and all the tie-in issues from the other on-goings, the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover also has 4 one-shots to expand the story and fill in some potential blanks, starting with War of the Bounty Hunters – Jabba the Hutt #1. It turns out these one-shots will be loosely connected by the new and intriguing hunter Deva Lompop and she’s the main star of the issue, for good reason. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: War of the Bounty Hunters – Jabba the Hutt #1”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #5

The High Republic #5 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

The High Republic #5 finds the Jedi on Sedri Minor and Starlight Beacon in the fight for their lives from the Drengir, and even the Hutts and their gangsters, with the outcome of it all balancing on the teetering but strong bond between Keeve Trennis and Sskeer. Read on to find out how this emotional, action-packed issue will make the month wait until the next issue excruciating! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #5”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #4

The High Republic #4 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

With Master Sskeer under the sway of the villainous Drengir and Keeve Trennis, Avar Kriss, and Ceret all captured, how will the Jedi overcome such insurmountable obstacles?! The High Republic #4 reveals the answer with a thrilling, emotionally focused issue that includes new details on the Drengir and all the threats the Jedi might face in the Outer Rim… Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #4”

Comics’ Metronome: An Interview with The High Republic’s Letterer Ariana Maher

Ariana Maher Interview Lettering The High Republic

Since Marvel launched the new era of Star Wars comics in 2015, I’ve been reviewing them on the Manor though my only qualification for doing so was simply that I enjoyed reading comics (so, not much!). Over the years, I’ve tried to expand and hone my critiques, from better crediting all those involved to more detailed thoughts on the art, but as always, I know I can do better. One aspect I’ve not understood much, and therefore haven’t covered a ton in my reviews, was lettering. It’s far more complex and nuanced than just a few thought bubbles, as you’ll soon see thanks to our interview with letterer Ariana Maher, who was gracious enough to offer help with reviewers covering comics and even more patient with my endless questions, as a way to help spread understanding of her and other letterers’ craft. Head below to check out the interview! Continue reading “Comics’ Metronome: An Interview with The High Republic’s Letterer Ariana Maher”