Tag: Ariana Maher

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #3

The High Republic #3 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

First Keeve Trennis and her motley Jedi crew investigate a floating tomb full of secrets and now they find themselves facing an ancient, dark terror deep within a backwater planet in The High Republic #3 and damn it’s bad for them but a real joy for us to read! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #3”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #2

The High Republic #2 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

We dive into the “Tomb in Space” in The High Republic’s second issue, where new secrets are uncovered, Sskeer’s anguish increasingly takes hold, and Keeve can’t help but swear some more; yes, it’s even better than it sounds! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #2”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #1

The High Republic #1 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

After nearly a year of waiting, The High Republic initiative begins! After the opening salvo of the first two novels, Marvel introduces their on-going story to the unfolding era with The High Republic #1! Written by Cavan Scott, with an art team of Ario Anindito, Mark Morales, Annalisa Leoni, and Ariana Maher, The High Republic on-going comic picks up towards the end of events from Light of the Jedi, focusing on Padawan Keeve Trennis’ Jedi Knight Trials and her relationship with Trandoshan Master Sskeer. Both are rewarding and interesting characters to get to know in this opening chapter, while the art absolutely stuns due to its detail heavy work, all which promises an excellent and thrilling series ahead! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #1”