Tag: Arif Prianto

Canon Comic Review: TIE Fighter #2

TIE Fighter #2

– Spoiler Review –

The plot thickens for Shadow Wing as they face an unexpected enemy in TIE Fighter #2, the next installment of the Alphabet Squadron novel tie-in miniseries, while a back-up story delights with the little details. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: TIE Fighter #2”

Canon Comic Review: TIE Fighter #1

TIE Fighter #1

– Spoiler Review –

TIE Fighter #1 begins Jody Houser’s TIE-in (a pun I’m dying on a hill for) to the Alphabet Squadron trilogy of novels, the first of which releases June 4, and while the first issue does a lot of legwork, it introduces us to an intriguing cast of characters and ends on an exciting cliffhanger. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: TIE Fighter #1”

Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Han Solo – Imperial Cadet (#1-5)

Han Solo Imperial Cadet Miniseries Review

– Spoiler Review –

Han Solo – Imperial Cadet fills in Solo: A Star Wars Story’s three year time jump with a fun, low stakes stay for Han in the Imperial Academy, where its secondary characters are more intriguing than the main because he doesn’t have as much growth as they do, resulting in a miniseries that’s not vital for enjoyment of the film but has plenty of enjoyable moments on its own. Continue reading “Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Han Solo – Imperial Cadet (#1-5)”

Canon Comic Review: Vader – Dark Visions #1

Vader Dark Visions #1

– Spoiler Review –

In a better world, we actually wouldn’t be reading Vader – Dark Visions, but rather Shadow of Vader by Chuck Wendig. But we don’t live in that world, instead we live in a world where a compromise to Neo-Nazis by Comicsgate friending Editor Mark Paniccia has cancelled Wendig’s series and replaced it with one of similar design, but different stories. Unfortunately, this controversy hangs a shroud over this series longer than its titular character’s imposing frame ( Shadow of Vader lives on, from a certain point of view), but it’s not Dark Visions‘ creative team’s fault, so as much as I’ve really not wanted to cover this series, out of respect for the team who had nothing to do with it, I’ll be giving their replacement series a chance (much like I discussed regarding my continued coverage of Marvel in my year-in-review). Issue #1 of Vader – Dark Visions doesn’t impress however, even when factoring out the controversy, as it comes off as nothing more than a show of Vader’s force. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Vader – Dark Visions #1”

Canon Comic Review: Han Solo – Imperial Cadet #1

Han Solo Imperial Cadet #1

– Spoiler Review –

Han Solo – Imperial Cadet #1 begins an intriguing miniseries that will cover Han’s time in the Imperial Academy during the time-jump in Solo: A Star Wars Story, something I’m way more excited for than another adaptation. While the first issue doesn’t quite live up to the description made at NYCCStar Wars meets Full Metal Jacket meets Stripes(what could?), it offers some fun potential I hope it can take advantage of in the next four issues. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Han Solo – Imperial Cadet #1”

Canon Comic Retrospective: Poe Dameron Series

Poe Dameron Complete Series Retrospective

– Full Spoiler Review –

If there’s anybody who can write Star Wars comics well, it is Charles Soule. The man has an incredible range of gifts: from the Master-Padawan relationship of Obi-Wan & Anakin to the tortured mind of a Sith Lord in Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith. If anyone was going to lead the charge into the New Republic era of comic books, I wouldn’t trust anybody more than I would Soule. Poe Dameron, at least at its conception, took us on the search for Lor San Tekka, the occasion shown at the beginning of The Force Awakens. Instead of showing us a straightforward search and rescue mission, the series took some mighty fun pit stops: a cult that worshiped a kaiju-bearing egg, Mr. Bones against the First Order, revisiting Cato Nemoidia, and more. I mean, a lot more. Continue reading “Canon Comic Retrospective: Poe Dameron Series”

Canon Comic Review: Poe Dameron “The Awakening” Arc (Issues #26-31)

Poe Dameron The Awakening Arc Review

– Spoiler Review –

Take a deep breath: today, we look at the final story arc in the excellent Poe Dameron series. What was Black Squadron up to during the Battle of Starkiller Base, the Evacuation of D’Qar, and the Battle of Crait? Oh, and Porgs!

Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Poe Dameron “The Awakening” Arc (Issues #26-31)”

Canon Comic Review: Poe Dameron #31

Poe Dameron #31

– Spoiler Review –

The end isn’t near, it’s freaking here! After two years of piloting action-adventure hi-jinks, the Poe Dameron series closes with issue #31, wrapping up “The Awakening” arc in a grand, sweeping fashion befitting of the series. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Poe Dameron #31”

Canon Comic Review: Poe Dameron #30

Poe Dameron #30

– Spoiler Review –

Poe Dameron issue #30 is the series’ penultimate issue, which Charles Soule and team spare zero punches on, ending with a cliffhanger making the month-long wait for the finale one hell of an emotional roller coaster. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Poe Dameron #30”