Tag: Bounty Hunters (comic)

Star Wars Comics July 2021 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics July 2021 Solicitations

By July, with the War of the Bounty Hunters mega-crossover in full swing, you might find yourself if the frozen popsicle of Han Solo will really be worth all this trouble or you might be enjoying the shenanigans of this interconnected, multi-series story too much to sweat the small stuff. As the solicitations for July’s Star Wars comics promise (so far, as these are only initial ones via the official site’s blog, so expect updates later this week. Update 4/22: now they’re all in!), there will be tons to get caught up in, from Doctor Aphra and Sana Starros trying to survive one another and a gangster-filled party, Luke Skywalker having more Force visions, a deep-dive into the Emperor’s inner circle, and so much more; head below to see what to expect! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics July 2021 Solicitations”

Star Wars Comics June 2021 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics June 2021 Solicitations

Clearly we all underestimated the upcoming War of the Bounty Hunters crossover, as the June 2021 Star Wars comics solicitations reveal it not only has the prelude issues in May, but it’ll have both the miniseries and tie-in issues going forward, through October! And here I was originally assuming this would lead into a Shadows of the Empire-type event, but it seems this is that big event itself! So read on below to learn about Chewbacca battling Valance (expect limbs to be lost!), Vader and Ochi going up against IG-88 (is there enough ‘man’ left in Vader to defeat this machine?), and Doctor Aphra and Sana Starros come face to face with….DURGE?! Yes, that Durge! Also coming in June, Pride Variant covers, which is a nice touch though I wish they could’ve offered more, like a full issue of Pride-related Star Wars tales…but I’ll take this for now! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics June 2021 Solicitations”

Star Wars Comics May 2021 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics May 2021 Solicitations

May is always a time of celebration for Star Wars fans thanks to all the goodness surrounding the May the Fourth holiday and this year should be extra special considering it’s Lucasfilm’s 50th Anniversary!! With Star Wars comics, the May solicitations reveal there’s a bounty to enjoy…for Boba Fett fans, at least. Wait, what? That’s right, the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover takes over most of May’s comics, though the excellent The High Republic-related comics will continue on as is, revealing the secrets of Star Wars history. So it won’t be all Fett, but dank ferrik it’ll be close! Head below to see what’s all in store for May’s Star Wars comics. Continue reading “Star Wars Comics May 2021 Solicitations”

Boba Fett Stars in War of the Bounty Hunters Comic Crossover Event

War of the Bounty Hunters Announcement

Something happened on the way to Jabba’s Palace…and that’s what we’re about to find out in the mega-crossover event for Star Wars comics starting in May! Boba Fett’s plans to drop off the frozen Han Solo to Jabba go awry when everyone hunts him down for the prize, something that will spill across the current on-goings and lead to a new miniseries, War of the Bounty Hunters. Head below for the few details we have and a look at all the crossover covers! Continue reading “Boba Fett Stars in War of the Bounty Hunters Comic Crossover Event”

Star Wars Comics April 2021 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics April 2021 Solicitations

In April 2021, after 6 plus years of success, amazing new characters, and exciting/spellbinding tales, Marvel and IDW will bring their partnership with Lucasfilm to a close and end Star Wars comics for good. So head below to check out the final month of glorious comics below! APRIL FOOLS’! Sorry, I don’t ever pull April Fools’ jokes because I like not to lose people’s trust but I couldn’t help myself to a little joke, especially when this would be terrible obvious. Anyways, check out what’s ahead thanks to April’s solicitations, where we’ll see Darth Vader make it to Exegol, more Doctor Aphra and Sana Starros adventures, Count Dooku with another nefarious plan, and so much more! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics April 2021 Solicitations”

Star Wars Comics March 2021 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics March 2021 Solicitations

It’s crazy to think March means it’s been one year since the COVID-19 pandemic’s threat was beginning to become clear and lockdowns began, though they ended far too shortly. Star Wars comics took a break shortly after, the lockdowns affecting shipping and setting the industry back by months, but they’ve been arriving in a steady stream once distribution began again. In March of 2021, the Star Wars comics solicitations offer plenty of content to look forward to, from Leia Organa and Kes Dameron swapping love stories, spooky shenanigans in The High Republic era, Aphra and Sana overcoming their differences potentially, the return of the Crimson Corsair, and more so head below to check them out! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics March 2021 Solicitations”

Star Wars Comics January 2021 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics January 2021 Solicitations

The idea of 2021 finally being here has likely been the wish of many people, and while it won’t completely turn around everything that’s transpired in 2020, it’s a beacon of hope that maybe things can start to get better. Also a beacon of hope? The Starlight Beacon the High Republic Jedi set up in the Outer Rim, as January brings us the official beginning of The High Republic initiative! Beyond that big comic release, Aphra and Sana’s big meet cute finally arrives after being delayed, Shara Bey looks to step up in a big way, Vader and Ochi keep dueling, and Padmé is stuck rescuing Anakin (again) after their latest date night goes sideways. Head below to see what January Star Wars comics to expect in 2021! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics January 2021 Solicitations”

Star Wars Comics December 2020 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics December 2020 Solicitations

December might usually be cold depending on where you live, like here in Wisconsin for me, but it’s usually full of cheer as the holidays are here. Things might be a little different this year, unfortunately, but you can at least count on some great tales in the galaxy far, far away thanks to Star Wars comics! December’s short but sweet list of comics looks to bring the chaotic year to a fun close, from a raid on an Imperial Museum on Coruscant, Doctor Aphra and Sana Starros stuck together again (it’s been moved to January), Wookiee Life Day celebrations, and Darth Vader facing down a creepy, unused concept for The Rise of Skywalker. Head below for all the details! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics December 2020 Solicitations”

Star Wars Comics November 2020 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics November 2020 Solicitations

November is usually a time for large gatherings of family and friends from all over the country for Thanksgiving traditions here in the States, but it’s still an unknown if that’ll even be possible this year. Despite the pandemic, one of the most important elections in this country’s history will take place, so make sure you’re registered and make your voice heard. And then of course, do your best to enjoy these upcoming issues of Star Wars comics, which include a few new artists on series, the promise of the most epic dog fight in comic history, the return of Sana Starros to wreak havoc on Aphra’s life, and more! Head below to check them out. UPDATE 8/23: IDW’s solicits came in and there’s Life Day shenanigans and…Baby Yoda!! UPDATE 10/11: More IDW shenangians with their schedule but it looks like things are normalizing/finally being set in stone! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics November 2020 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Bounty Hunters #4

Bounty Hunter #4

Bounty Hunters #4 reveals Nakano Lash’s big secret, though it all pales in comparison to the terrible creative decisions that happen within the issue. I will no longer be reviewing this series after this. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Bounty Hunters #4”