Tag: Claudia Gray

NYCC 2019: Marvel Goes Post-TESB with Relaunches, More Doctor Aphra Promised, New Thrawn Trilogy Incoming, and More!

NYCC 2019 Publishing Panel

The Lucasfilm Publishing Panel at NYCC 2019 was ripe with announcements, reveals, and intriguing hints of what’s to come. Marvel’s Star Wars comics head post-The Empire Strikes Back, the next Alphabet Squadron novel gets a release date, The Clone Wars gets an anthology book, some very scant details about Project Luminous, and much more so head below to learn what all happened! Continue reading “NYCC 2019: Marvel Goes Post-TESB with Relaunches, More Doctor Aphra Promised, New Thrawn Trilogy Incoming, and More!”

Canon Novel Review: Master & Apprentice

Master And Apprentice Top Review Image 1

Spoiler Review –

Written by Claudia Gray, who I believe to be the best author in Star Wars canon at the moment, Master & Apprentice focuses on the early days of training between Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. With an impressive deep-dive into one of the most enigmatic Jedi characters, plenty of engaging secondary characters, and a smart, twisty plot, Master & Apprentice just gave the crown of best Star Wars book yet (previously Last Shot for me) back to Gray. Continue reading “Canon Novel Review: Master & Apprentice”

Novel/Comic News: Project Luminous Teased, Return to Vader’s Castle, And More! (SWCC 2019)

Celebration Chicago 2019 Comic and Novel News

Those waiting for Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker news will have to wait a little longer, as the publishing/comic panels were rather light on the announcements this year. Marvel officially revealed the new creative team for the Star Wars mainline comic series, IDW revealed the Return to Vader’s Castle miniseries, while a mystery project, Luminous, was teased involving 5 big name writers. Head below for the details! Continue reading “Novel/Comic News: Project Luminous Teased, Return to Vader’s Castle, And More! (SWCC 2019)”

News Roundup: Star Wars Rebels Artbook Incoming, Master & Apprentice’s First Excerpt, and Triple Force Friday Arrives in October!

News Roundup Rebels Artbook Master Apprentice Excerpt Triple Force Friday

A few pieces of news from our favorite galaxy dropped this week, including the announcement of a Star Wars Rebels Artbook, the highly anticpated novel Master & Apprentice’s first excerpt has Qui-Gon Jinn being offered a spot on the Jedi Council, and your wallet’s least favorite day has been announced: Triple Force Friday, a blitz of merchandise from Episode IXThe Mandalorian, and Jedi: Fallen Order! Continue reading “News Roundup: Star Wars Rebels Artbook Incoming, Master & Apprentice’s First Excerpt, and Triple Force Friday Arrives in October!”

NYCC 2018: Alphabet Squadron Novel, Shadow of Vader Comic Announced, New “Age of…” Maxiseries Details and More! (UPDATED)

NYCC 2018 Publishing Panel

The NYCC 2018 Publishing Panel brought us news of a new novel, Alphabet Squadron, a new comic miniseries, Shadow of Vader, a cover for Master & Apprentice, plus some minor details on the “Age of Star Wars” comic maxiseries, while other panels included a closeup look at the soon to be released Women of the Galaxy. Check out all the reveals and updates below!

Continue reading “NYCC 2018: Alphabet Squadron Novel, Shadow of Vader Comic Announced, New “Age of…” Maxiseries Details and More! (UPDATED)”

SDCC 2018: Padmé, Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon Novels, “Age of…” Comics Maxiseries, and More Announced! (UPDATED)

SDCC 2018 Publishing Panel
via Lucasfilm

It’s been quiet on the new novel and comic fronts for quite some time, especially once it was revealed 3 comics would be ending in September and the only known novels were Thrawn: Alliances and the Solo adaptation. But SDCC 2018’s publishing panel was a Hutt’s feast of new announcements, from a LONG overdue Padmé novel, Queen’s Shadow, a Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon novel from lauded author Claudia Gray, while Marvel has a new maxiseries focusing on heroes and villains from across the saga, IDW brings the scares for October with Tales from Vader’s Castle, and more! Head below for all the exciting details! Continue reading “SDCC 2018: Padmé, Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon Novels, “Age of…” Comics Maxiseries, and More Announced! (UPDATED)”

Novel Review: From a Certain Point of View – Star Wars

Star Wars From a Certain Point of View

Minor Spoiler Review –

There have been short story collections in the Star Wars universe before, but nothing quite like this! From a Certain Point of View gathers together 43 authors for 40 stories giving us new perspectives on Episode IV: A New Hope, as a celebration of the film’s 40th Anniversary (bonus: all the author proceeds go to the charity First Book!). In short, the stories within had me crying, laughing, and filled me up with joyous wonder, much like A New Hope did and continues to do 40 years later, which is a pretty fitting way to celebrate the 40th anniversary, if you ask me! Continue reading “Novel Review: From a Certain Point of View – Star Wars”

Canon Novel Review: Leia: Princess of Alderaan

Leia Princess of Alderaan

Spoiler Review –

Written by the fan-favorite (rightfully so) Claudia Gray, Leia: Princess of Alderaan is a Young Adult novel that’s part of the “Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi” initiative, taking place a couple years before A New Hope. It should come as no surprise I’m highly recommending another Gray novel, as she crafts a compelling tale of Leia’s journey into a larger world, the growing rebellion, and how it effects her and her family as the dangers of action and inaction become more real for all of them. Come for The Last Jedi tidbits, stay for the enthralling character piece. Continue reading “Canon Novel Review: Leia: Princess of Alderaan”

Captain Phasma Novel and Comic Miniseries, Leia YA Novel, and Ken Liu Penned Luke Book Start Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SWCO 2017)

Journey to Star Wars The Last JediThe Lucasfilm’s Publishing Writer’s Roundtable on Friday was a pleasant panel where we got to spend some time with various authors across various mediums and age-ranges of material discussing their process and writing for Star Wars. It all ended with a bang, as the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi initiative was announced (a similar program was in place for The Force Awakens), where hints for the new film will be hidden in the Phasma novel by Deliah S. Dawson, the Captain Phasma comic miniseries by Kelly Thompson, Leia: The Princess of Alderaan YA novel by Claudia Gray (!!), and Ken Liu’s (!!!) The Legends of Luke Skywalker, and much more! Details within and some additional insights from the Del Rey panel Saturday as well.

Continue reading “Captain Phasma Novel and Comic Miniseries, Leia YA Novel, and Ken Liu Penned Luke Book Start Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SWCO 2017)”

A Certain Point of View Celebrates 40 Years of Star Wars: A New Hope

Star Wars From a Certain Point of ViewThursday evening, Del Rey (at their @DelReyStarWars account) stirred up Star Wars fandom on Twitter by teasing the announcement of something called Operation Blue Milk. The hashtag, #OperationBlueMilk quickly blew up with speculation followed by various authors, some new and old to SW writing, revealing they were part of the project. While Amazon might have beat Del Rey to the official announcement, the details have finally been released and it’s a pretty exciting surprise: 40 different authors retelling events from A New Hope from random background characters’ points of view! Whether or not this is your cup of caf, you should probably pick this up because not only is the talent involved nothing short of spectacular, all author proceeds are being donated to charity (!!) so read on for the list and more details! Continue reading “A Certain Point of View Celebrates 40 Years of Star Wars: A New Hope”