Tag: Claudia Gray

Canon Novel Review: Star Wars: Bloodline

Star Wars Bloodline

Spoiler Review –

Star Wars: Bloodline focuses on Leia and events in the galaxy which shape things to come in The Force Awakens. As essential a read this becomes for those itching for more background details on the galaxy taking shape in the new canon, and even for making politics bearable, Bloodline is memorable and will not be easily forgotten in the years ahead due to its portrayal of Leia. It’s all thanks to author Claudia Gray, who is now more than welcomed to return as often as she can to the galaxy far, far away.
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Canon Young Adult Novel Review: Star Wars: Lost Stars

Star Wars: Lost Stars

Spoiler Review –

Lost Stars is a YA novel in the “Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens” line of books and comics, written by Claudia Gray. While the novel comes off as fan-fiction and a little too melodramatic at times (as one might fear a Young Adult novel might), those things actually make Lost Stars that much stronger, giving the original parts not centered on moments from the movies a lot to build on and build up, both for the characters and the galaxy at large. In fact, it’s such an enjoyable ride it might even be better than some of the adult novels we’ve gotten so far. Continue reading “Canon Young Adult Novel Review: Star Wars: Lost Stars”