Tag: Guru-eFX

Canon Comic Review: Age of Resistance – Finn #1

Age of Resistance Finn #1

– Spoiler Review –

The final “Age” in the Age of Star Wars maxiseries takes us to the sequel trilogy era, beginning with Age of Resistance – Finn #1, a funny, delightful peek into Finn’s compassion before the events of The Force Awakens. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Age of Resistance – Finn #1”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars “The Scourging of Shu-Torun” Arc (Issues #62-67)

Star Wars The Scourging of Shu-Torun Arc Review copy

Kieron Gillen’s explosive (literally!) final arc showcases the Rebellion on the offensive. Leia mobilizes Rebel, actor, and Partisan alike to pay Shu-Torun – and Queen Trios – a visit in The Scourging of Shu-Torun!

Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars “The Scourging of Shu-Torun” Arc (Issues #62-67)”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #67

Star Wars #67

– Spoiler Review –

The end is nigh for not only Shu-Torun, but Kieron Gillen as well, as Star Wars #67 is the end of his time on the series. Will Leia, Han, and Luke be able to undo the damage the Partisans have started? Will this be a fitting ending to Gillen’s run? Read on to find out! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #67”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #66

Star Wars #66

– Spoiler Review –

Forget all this Battle Royale nonsense, tune into this issue for the Battle of Royals! Star Wars #66 is the penultimate issue of Kieron Gillen’s final arc, “The Scourging of Shu-Torun,” which pits Princess against Queen as the fight for Shu-Torun approaches a potentially terrible end. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #66”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #65

Star Wars #65

– Spoiler Review –

Thanks to the events of Star Wars #65, things are really heating up (see what I did there?) for the last two issues of Gillen’s final arc, “The Scourging of Shu-Torun.” Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #65”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars “The Escape” Arc (Issues #56-61)

Star Wars The Escape Arc Review

The Rebels crash land on a planet bereft of ships or communicators. What do our heroes do in their down-time? How can you have downtime in the middle of a galactic civil war? Read our arc review of Star Wars “The Escape” now!

Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars “The Escape” Arc (Issues #56-61)”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #63

Star Wars #63

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #63 keeps the momentum and humor going from the start of “The Scourging of Shu-Torun” arc, Kieron Gillen’s last, but it ends with the reality sinking in that this won’t be all fun and games (in the best way possible). Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #63”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #62

Star Wars #62

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #62 is the beginning of the end for writer Kieron Gillen, as “The Scourging of Shu-Torun” arc will be his last, and this issue feels like a proper start to what can only be described as the culmination of Gillen’s entire run. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #62”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #61

Star Wars #61

– Spoiler Review –

Star Wars #61 might not be the best issue of rather great “The Escape” arc, it wraps it all up with a nice little bow, pointing us towards writer Kieron Gillen’s conclusion later this year. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #61”