Tag: Ramon Rosanas

Comic News: Inquisitors Miniseries Out in July!

It feels like Star Wars is entering its villain era, from taking over the Empire State Building, the Tales of the Empire announcement, even the upcoming The Acolyte showing the rise of the darkness, and now this announcement: the Inquisitors comic miniseries! Written by Rodney Barnes with art by Ramon Rosanas, Inquisitors is out July 3, following the group of Jedi hunters after their next target, a new Jedi named Tensu Run! Head below for a look at the full cover and a few variants, as well as some quick thoughts about the announcement! Continue reading “Comic News: Inquisitors Miniseries Out in July!”

Star Wars Comics May 2024 Solicitations

May is a rather joyous around the Manor and in Star Wars fandom overall, as the always growing celebrations of May the Fourth provide much to enjoy! This year it falls on Free Comic Book Day and there are two special FCBD issues to enjoy then, while that same weekend The Phantom Menace returns to theaters to celebrate 25 years! The comics are joining in on the film’s anniversary with a special one-shot and a series of anniversary covers, plus other prequel-set stories including Maul-centric chaos, but fans of all eras will have plenty to look forward to with plenty of big The High Republic moments and the Rebellion trying to rescue Mon Mothma (?!), to name a few things. Check out what May 2024’s Star Wars Comics Solicitations to see what they all have in store!

Continue reading “Star Wars Comics May 2024 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #29 (Vol. 2)

– Spoiler Review –

Despite the knowledge a second Death Star looms, Amilyn Holdo suggests a vacation for Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca, but as Star Wars #29 (Vol. 2) unfolds, her real plans become clear, tying in some fun references to The High Republic era writer Charles Soule helped create! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #29 (Vol. 2)”

Star Wars Comics November 2022 Solicitations

Especially here in Wisconsin, November is when fall comes on strong and we begin to hunker down inside, watching football or spending more time with family and friends (even more so if someone else is cooking!), so having a lot of Star Wars comics would be perfect to help pass the time between the next gathering. Luckily, as we can see in November 2022’s solicitations for Star Wars comics, there’s a lot to enjoy, from more The High Republic Phase II stories, new comics like Hidden Empire or Revelations, a metric ton of worry about Doctor Aphra, Yoda-centric adventures, and more! Check out the Star Wars comics November 2022 solicitations below! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics November 2022 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #25 (Vol. 2)

– Spoiler Review –

Since 2015, Charles Soule has been a growing and impressive voice in Star Wars comics, with different series, exciting new characters, big ideas, and so much more for readers to enjoy, later going on to help create The High Republic initiative with his fellow luminous writers. The script for Star Wars #25 (Vol. 2) is his 100 written, so the editors and Lucasfilm allowed him to arrange for something rather special: an issue full of stories and returning artists from his previous works. What follows are 4 special short stories that point towards the impact he’s had on Star Wars so far and seemingly a promise he’ll bring the same quality going forward. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #25 (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #24 (Vol. 2)

– Spoiler Review –

Since the series began in 2020, Star Wars (Vol. 2) has brought a formidable foe to disrupt the Rebellion’s recovery after the Battle of Hoth: Commander Ellian Zahra. In Star Wars #24 (Vol. 2), Leia’s rivalry with the woman, and her reign of terror on the Rebellion, comes to a head in an exciting and fitting one-on-one showdown finale. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #24 (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #23 (Vol. 2)


– Spoiler Review –

Commander Zahra has been a pain in the Rebellion’s rear since the start of Charles Soule’s run on Star Wars in 2020, but it all finally comes down to the explosive battle in Star Wars #23 (Vol. 2). Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #23 (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #22 (Vol. 2)


– Spoiler Review –

It’s clear Charles Soule’s run of the Star Wars series has been building to this moment, as the rescue of Shara Bey, the plan to finally unite all of the Rebel Fleet, Commander Zahra’s ruthlessness, and even Qi’ra’s return to the galactic stage come to a head in issue #22, setting up for what’s sure to be an epic-sized conclusion over these next few issues. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #22 (Vol. 2)”

Star Wars Comics June 2022 Solicitations


Compared to last June‘s Star Wars comics solicitations, 2022 might not have anything as big as the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover, in fact we have a break from Qi’ra’s comic trilogy, but it is packed with issues that should interest fans of all eras. June kicks off The Mandalorian‘s adaptation comic, Qui-Gon Jinn guest appearances in the Obi-Wan comic (and maybe Obi-Wan show!), Chelli Aphra has to battle her memories to escape her latest problems, while Charles Soule digs up tales across his Star Wars comics career for a truly spectacular and epic 25th issue for his current Star Wars run. June will once again have Pride Month variants, though they haven’t been revealed yet and I have some hopes Lucasfilm/Marvel will do a little better this time around (especially in light of everything going on with the company). Head below for all the details on Star Wars comics’ June 2022 solicitations! UPDATED 4/13: There’s been a lot of delays at the moment, so you’ll find a few June comics are actually ones from either April or May…I’ve updated the dates for the original June releases below. Continue reading “Star Wars Comics June 2022 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #21 (Vol. 2)

Star Wars #21 (Vol. 2) Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

After focusing on Luke Skywalker for a few issues, Star Wars #21 (Vol. 2) brings the series back to its core story of the Rebellion against the Empire, the struggling fleet trying to reconnect and get out from the gaze of Imperial hunter Commander Zahra. But before the big action, issue #21 focuses on the plight of Shara Bey, hiding away on a Star Destroyer….Zahra’s Star Destroyer, the Tarkin’s Will! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #21 (Vol. 2)”