Tag: Tyler Smith

Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #8

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Young leaders, full of ambition, want to see their cause succeed and grow their own legacy apart from their forefathers, and focusing on such an intriguing dynamic for Hyperspace Stories #8 makes Michael Moreci and team’s Kylo Ren and General Armitage Hux such a complex, earnest depiction of the characters. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #8”

Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #7

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The name Boba Fett sends chills down anyone’s spine, yet he’s still that (clone) kid deep down inside, a dichotomy not always on display when he takes center stage in a story, yet writer Michael Moreci balances both well in a surprising and engaging Hyperspace Stories #7. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #7”

Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #6

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Hyperspace Stories’ switch to villains continues with issue #6, though this one has writer Cecil Castellucci asking fans to sympathize with…Greedo?! Thanks to the smart script and stellar art, it manages to pull it off in style. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #6”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #6, #7, #8 – Phase II

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With delays disrupting the surety of when we’d see the ending to The High Republic Adventures – Phase II, Dark Horse rallied the troops and set the final three issues to release all on the same day. This was quickly dubbed “The High Republic Adventures Day,” and rightfully so, and now said day is finally upon us! As far as endings go, these last three issues take the series long dominos and bring them crashing down in emotional and exciting fashion, all while adding a few more in there for good measure, letting both its characters and its readers experience important messages they can take with them and use in their lives ahead. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #6, #7, #8 – Phase II”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #5 – Phase II

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Begun, the Battle of Jedha, has! The High Republic Adventures #5 – Phase II drops its characters into the middle of the warzone but never losses sight of furthering their journeys. Also, welcome back to the series, artist Harvey Tolibao! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #5 – Phase II”

Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #5

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First we focused on the heroes…and now with Hyperspace Stories’ return, we turn to the villains! Asajj Ventress’ testy relationship with Count Dooku is Amanda Deibert’s focus in Hyperspace Stories #5, which continues ties to the series’ over-arcing story, making a fun fall to the dark side for the series! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #5”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures Free Comic Book Day 2023

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Free Comic Book Day is always a joyous occasion and a fun reason to go out to your local comic shops and show them love and support, but 2023’s took on a whole new meaning for Star Wars fans, especially The High Republic fans, as a short coda story was released by Dark Horse! The High Republic Adventures Free Comic Book Day 2023 returns us to the crew we all fell in love with during Phase I of the initiative, exploring their tumultuous time on Starlight Beacon as it falls, so as you can imagine, this is anything but a peaceful return but well-worth a read! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures Free Comic Book Day 2023”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #4 – Phase II

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With Maz Kanata still in the hands of the dastardly Dank Graks, Sav Malagán makes a dangerous decision: try to join them to rescue the pirate captain! Will she be able to fool the group, join them, and help put a stop to their plans from the inside? And if she joins them, what secrets will she uncover? Find out what unexpected things Sav gets up to in my review of The High Republic Adventures #4 – Phase II! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #4 – Phase II”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures – Quest of the Jedi #1

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The High Republic Adventures – Quest of the Jedi #1, written by Claudia Gray with art by Fico Ossio, takes us further back in the overall era than ever before, but what’s hidden in the past might hold big answers for the future. A riveting one-shot, I left this issue wishing for 12 more immediately, as I didn’t want it to end, so fascinating where the characters, world, story, and implications for the initiative’s story thanks to Gray’s writing and Ossio’s brilliant artwork. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures – Quest of the Jedi #1”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #3 – Phase II

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Young Padawan Sav Malagán’s secret is out and the Order knows what she’s up to…but with the chase on to discover the Dank Graks dastardly plans, will she stick around, go back, or make a choice no one suspects?! The High Republic Adventures #3 – Phase II doesn’t skip a beat on great characters and great fun once again! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #3 – Phase II”