Tag: Zoraida Córdova

Canon Young Adult Novel Review: A Crash of Fate

A Crash of Fate

– Spoiler Review –

A Crash of Fate is a young adult novel written by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Galaxy’s Edge tie-in program, taking place primarily at the park’s in-universe location, following two old friends who cross paths again in a romantic and danger filled day-long adventure. The romance is never too heavy handed, the adventure that weaves them across Black Spire Outpost is engaging and fun, and the characters are relatable, but sometimes the park aspect gets a little too on the nose, though overall it results in an enjoyable and unique little tale. Continue reading “Canon Young Adult Novel Review: A Crash of Fate”

Galaxy’s Edge Publishing Programming Gives all Fans a Chance to Visit

Galaxys Edge Publishing Announced

As exciting as the idea of a fully immersive Star Wars theme park is, the stark reality is not everyone will get a chance to visit one, for a wide variety of reasons, so thankfully there is plenty of tie-in material coming for those who can’t or won’t ever go. But these new titles also benefit those who can visit the parks, enriching the new world and experience. Beyond the already introduced comic miniseries, Galaxy’s Edge, a few new novels were announced todayBlack Spire, by Delilah S. Dawson (so glad she’s back!!); A Crash of Fate, by Zoraida Córdova; Myth & Fables, written by George Mann, illustrations by Grant Griffin. Head below for all the details and an excerpt from Myth & Fables! Continue reading “Galaxy’s Edge Publishing Programming Gives all Fans a Chance to Visit”

Novel Review: From a Certain Point of View – Star Wars

Star Wars From a Certain Point of View

Minor Spoiler Review –

There have been short story collections in the Star Wars universe before, but nothing quite like this! From a Certain Point of View gathers together 43 authors for 40 stories giving us new perspectives on Episode IV: A New Hope, as a celebration of the film’s 40th Anniversary (bonus: all the author proceeds go to the charity First Book!). In short, the stories within had me crying, laughing, and filled me up with joyous wonder, much like A New Hope did and continues to do 40 years later, which is a pretty fitting way to celebrate the 40th anniversary, if you ask me! Continue reading “Novel Review: From a Certain Point of View – Star Wars”

A Certain Point of View Celebrates 40 Years of Star Wars: A New Hope

Star Wars From a Certain Point of ViewThursday evening, Del Rey (at their @DelReyStarWars account) stirred up Star Wars fandom on Twitter by teasing the announcement of something called Operation Blue Milk. The hashtag, #OperationBlueMilk quickly blew up with speculation followed by various authors, some new and old to SW writing, revealing they were part of the project. While Amazon might have beat Del Rey to the official announcement, the details have finally been released and it’s a pretty exciting surprise: 40 different authors retelling events from A New Hope from random background characters’ points of view! Whether or not this is your cup of caf, you should probably pick this up because not only is the talent involved nothing short of spectacular, all author proceeds are being donated to charity (!!) so read on for the list and more details! Continue reading “A Certain Point of View Celebrates 40 Years of Star Wars: A New Hope”