– Spoiler Review –
The final “Age” in the Age of Star Wars maxiseries takes us to the sequel trilogy era, beginning with Age of Resistance – Finn #1, a funny, delightful peek into Finn’s compassion before the events of The Force Awakens.
What I enjoyed the most about Age of Resistance – Finn #1, beyond another show of Finn’s moral fortitude against the First Order
brainwashing training, was how perfectly Age of Resistance’s writer Tom Taylor captures the spirit of John Boyega’s performance as the character. From the manic nervousness, humorous spirit, to his resolve to do the right thing despite the consequences, I could hear Boyega spouting every line. The corny beginning with the mop humor had me a tad nervous how Taylor would be handling Finn, making him a continuous butt of the joke, but by the end all my worries had been cleaned away (sorry, not sorry). This isn’t the first we’ve seen Finn be better than his training, from a run-in with a less harmless bunch of creatures in Star Wars Adventures #3 to helping out his fellow cadets in Before the Awakening, but this was the strongest take on Finn in the same situation beyond the films.
Finn meeting junker Marialew, who I felt had a bit of a resemblance to Rey in terms of her face and garb, potentially on purpose, was a great turn of events that differed a bit from previous pre-TFA stories. Having Finn meet someone who validates his little rebellion against First Order rules/doctrine sets up his willingness to trust strangers, no matter their affiliation, as it lets him see the compassion he has can be found elsewhere. It’s not hard to imagine him hoping a captured Resistance pilot named Poe Dameron will help him flee or a young scavenger on a harsh world named Rey help him survive now that we’ve seen him put his life on the line for something other than himself, and the FO’s doctrine, and some stranger helped him see things through.
For Age of Resistance, Hero issues have art from Ramon Rosanas, and Guru-eFX on colors, with Travis Lanham lettering. This is my first time seeing his art and it’s already becoming my favorite Hero art for any of the “Ages!” The panel layout flows like water, making it easy to follow and a delight to read, and it also helps the humor Taylor infects the script with stick the landing; that water drip as Kylo Ren stares down Finn, standing at attention with his mop? It might’ve been the first time I’ve laughed this hard at the comics and it didn’t involve Doctor Aphra. I also really enjoyed his facial work, especially with Finn as it wasn’t Boyega, it was his own thing, but it also wasn’t too radical that you couldn’t tell who it was, while Phasma/Kylo looked great, and the backgrounds were distinct and clear.
Here are a few other things:
- Thanks to the solicits, and as long as the release dates hold, we know the entirety of the Age of Resistance: July will have Captain Phasma and the Special issue; August isPoe Dameron and General Hux; while September heralds the “Age’s” end, as well as the maxiseries itself, with Rose Tico, Supreme Leader Snoke, Rey, and Kylo Ren.
- It is still too early to tell if Taylor will have Hero and Villain issues rhyme like Jody Houser did with Age of Republic, which was to that “Age’s” benefit, and as I’ll soon discuss in my Age of Rebellion miniseries review, show how not doing so had its pluses and minuses.
Age of Resistance – Finn #1 is a good enough start that holds a lot of promise for Tom Taylor’s “Age.”
+ Hearing John Boyega as Finn
+ Doing the pre-TFA Finn a little bit
+ Art helps hit the humor
Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website @MynockManor.
AGE OF STAR WARS Maxiseries Review
Captain Phasma | Special | General Hux | Poe Dameron | Supreme Leader Snoke | Rose Tico | Rey | Kylo Ren | Miniseries Review
Princess Leia | Grand Moff Tarkin | Special | Han Solo | Boba Fett | Lando Calrissian | Jabba the Hutt | Luke Skywalker | Darth Vader
Qui-Gon Jinn | Darth Maul | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Jango Fett | Special | Anakin Skywalker | Count Dooku | Padmé Amidala | General Grievous | Miniseries Review