Category: Canon Novel Review

Canon Novel Review: The High Republic – Defy the Storm

– Spoiler Review –

Justina Ireland and Tessa Gratton team up again for The High Republic: Defy the Storm, the final Phase III, Wave I novel, which wonderfully showcases the repercussions and lingering breaking points of the Nihil’s victory after the fall of Starlight Beacon, all while updating us on some Phase I favorites we haven’t seen yet, plus intriguing glimpses of what is yet come in the final Phase! Continue reading “Canon Novel Review: The High Republic – Defy the Storm”

Canon Novel Review: The Living Force

– Minor Spoiler Review –

It’s been 10 years since John Jackson Miller wrote a new Star Wars novel, but he hasn’t missed a beat with his return, The Living Force, a riveting romp of a book which takes full advantage of its expansive cast and the era it’s set in to explore the themes and foundations of the prequel trilogy. Continue reading “Canon Novel Review: The Living Force”

Canon Novel Review by Chris: The High Republic – Defy the Storm

The galaxy is reeling from the destruction of Starlight Beacon and the creation of the Nihil Stormwall. But when Avon Starros brings good news to the Jedi, will the Jedi find a new avenue of help in defeating the nefarious Nihil and freeing the galaxy from their tyranny? Read Chris’s review of The High Republic: Defy the Storm! 

Continue reading “Canon Novel Review by Chris: The High Republic – Defy the Storm”

Canon Novel Review: The High Republic – Escape From Valo

– Minor Spoiler Review –

Combining the strengths of both Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong into one novel is almost too much to handle in the best way possible, so it means The High Republic: Escape from Valo, the era’s latest Phase III novel entry, is brimming with complex and engaging characters (new and old), a whip-smart pace, meaningful representation, and a great mixture of hope and darkness. Continue reading “Canon Novel Review: The High Republic – Escape From Valo”

Canon Novel Review: The High Republic – The Eye of Darkness

– Minor Spoiler Review –

The High Republic’s final Phase’s first adult novel is George Mann’s The High Republic – The Eye of Darkness, which lives up to its title, and then some, by giving the Nihil their Light of the Jedi moment. It’s a rousing adventure of a novel blasting right into the new Phase, never relenting in its tension while still catching up readers on the new, deadly status quo, plus diving deep with favorite characters for the journey ahead, leaving readers eager to see where and how this Phase will wrap it all up. Continue reading “Canon Novel Review: The High Republic – The Eye of Darkness”

Canon Novel Review by Chris: The High Republic – The Eye of Darkness

The Nihil are in a position of power. The vicious pirates have raised the Stormwall – an impenetrable wall blocking off major portions of the galaxy – to claim their power in the galaxy. The Jedi and Republic find themselves in one of their worst positions ever as they come to face the marauders. Read Chris’ review of The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness!

Continue reading “Canon Novel Review by Chris: The High Republic – The Eye of Darkness”

Canon Novel Review: Crimson Climb

In E.K. Johnston’s Crimson Climb, readers are taken back to Qi’ra’s early days in the criminal syndicate Crimson Dawn, showing her journey of scrumrat to trusted lieutenant of the dreadful Dryden Vos. While secondary characters get the short stick and the story takes some time to pick up, Crimson Climb is buoyed by an excellent characterization of Qi’ra, intriguing glimpses into the criminal underworld, and an ending which will leave fans asking for more. Continue reading “Canon Novel Review: Crimson Climb”

Canon Novel Review by Chris: The High Republic – Tales of Light and Life

– Spoiler-free Review –

The High Republic is back, and Tales of Light and Life is leading the charge into Phase III by bringing together the past, present, and future of the initiative into one bound volume. And what a volume it is. If you’re a frequent reader here at the Manor, you know I absolutely loved Phase I of THR: I bought every variant of the novels (so, uh, four editions of Light of the Jedi and The Rising Storm; three editions of The Fallen Star, Out of the Shadows, and Midnight Horizonetc.) and a lot of the comic variants, but Phase II fell rather flat to me. Thankfully, Tales of Light and Life comes in blasters blazing, creating new, exciting possibilities for the initiative and getting me excited again for the future. Continue reading “Canon Novel Review by Chris: The High Republic – Tales of Light and Life”

Canon Novel Review: The High Republic – Tales of Light and Life

– Minor Spoiler Review –

With Phase II done and Phase III on its way, the luminous beings behind The High Republic offer up Tales of Light and Life, a well-prepared treat of a dessert, full of complexity, heart, flavor, and all the toppings you’ve come to expect from them, all while melding together layers of Phases for a scrumptious bite of light and life of the era. Continue reading “Canon Novel Review: The High Republic – Tales of Light and Life”