In terms of Star Wars storytelling, 2021 started off with an engaging, mutli-layered, and exciting new era, one of its most ambitious publishing initiatives yet: The High Republic. Spreading across books, comics, and more, the era brought new heroes, dastardly and scary villains, and a plethora of new designs and concepts in the galaxy far, far away. For the comics side of things, Marvel unleashed The High Republic, a comic series following Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis and her Master Sskeer, as well as other notable Jedi of the era like Avar Kriss, as they dealt with the ravenous Drengir. To help writer Cavan Scott bring the horrors of the Drengir, the righteousness of Keeve and Kriss, Sskeer’s mysterious struggles, and epic-sized action to the pages of the comic, Marvel tapped Ario Anindito…and our eyeballs have never been the same, in the best way possible! This masterful artist has brought scary panels and tender moments to vivid, detailed life, so I reached out to him to understand how he does it, the pressures of building up a new era, and so much more. Head below for our interview with Ario Anindito! Continue reading “Drawing Monsters: An Interview with The High Republic’s Artist Ario Anindito”
Category: Interviews
Comics’ Metronome: An Interview with The High Republic’s Letterer Ariana Maher
Since Marvel launched the new era of Star Wars comics in 2015, I’ve been reviewing them on the Manor though my only qualification for doing so was simply that I enjoyed reading comics (so, not much!). Over the years, I’ve tried to expand and hone my critiques, from better crediting all those involved to more detailed thoughts on the art, but as always, I know I can do better. One aspect I’ve not understood much, and therefore haven’t covered a ton in my reviews, was lettering. It’s far more complex and nuanced than just a few thought bubbles, as you’ll soon see thanks to our interview with letterer Ariana Maher, who was gracious enough to offer help with reviewers covering comics and even more patient with my endless questions, as a way to help spread understanding of her and other letterers’ craft. Head below to check out the interview! Continue reading “Comics’ Metronome: An Interview with The High Republic’s Letterer Ariana Maher”
Interview: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales’ Michael Moreci Discusses the New Series!
Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales is an upcoming miniseries from IDW comics which sees many fan favorite clones, like Rex, Cody, and more, including a new one, swapping stories featuring other familiar characters like Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé, and even General Grievous. It’s similar in style to the Tales from/Return to Vader’s Castle miniseries, where each issue contains a new Battle Tale while advancing a larger framing story. We were lucky enough to speak with The Clone Wars – Battle Tales‘ writer, Michael Moreci, about what to expect from the miniseries as well as where it all came from, which you can read below in our latest interview!
Interview: Colin Jackman, Key Sculptor with Lucasfilm’s Creature Department

Behind every great creature of the Star Wars universe, there are plenty of humans working hard to make them believable for the audience, even if the character might only appear for a few moments on screen. Given how much details goes into even the most minor of background aliens, it’s no surprise one of the creatures could go on to have a giant fan following no matter their screen time. If you’re curious to learn more regarding behind-the-scenes details for the creation of said creatures, specifically those from the most recent of films The Force Awakens and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, then we here at the Manor have a treat for you. Thanks to some connections by Elliot (his network of spies rivals that of only the Bothans, pre-Death Star II of course), we managed to get an interview with Colin Jackman, a sculptor and special effects man who’s not only worked with Lucasfilm on TFA and Rogue One, but has a long list of projects including Guardians of the Galaxy, Jurassic World, Harry Potter, Band of Brothers…and then some. Together Ryan and Elliot cooked up some questions for Colin (though both Qs & As got looked at by Lucasfilm so don’t go expecting any scoops on upcoming films like The Last Jedi), and his answers are full of insightful looks behind the curtains of creatures like Grummgar from TFA and Bistan and Pao from Rogue One, how to have calm under fandom pressure, and advice for anyone looking to get into the field. Check out our interview with Colin Jackman below! Continue reading “Interview: Colin Jackman, Key Sculptor with Lucasfilm’s Creature Department”
Star Wars Ring Theory: An Interview with the Author, Mike Klimo, and Why You Should Read It
One of the more amazing aspects of fandom is the way people interact and engage with their chosen franchise, from cosplay, to fansite writing/podcasting, creating various homemade games/films, or finding news ways to interpret it. Star Wars Ring Theory: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Prequels is one of those unique things only a fanbase as passionate as the Star Wars universe can conceive of. If you haven’t read this multi-page epic dissection of the first six films in the saga, do so now and then return here for an interview with the author, Mike Klimo. If you don’t want to read it just yet, stick around and I’ll try to explain why you should read it no matter what level of fan you may be of Star Wars.
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