Category: Movies

Star Wars VII Receives Official Title: The Force Awakens

The Force Awakens

It’s official, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the title of the upcoming film and yes, Episode VII is not part of its title. As Justin Bolger says so astutely, this could likely mean there’s a lot more Star Wars coming (beyond what’s already been announced) à la Marvel or it was just simply an artistic choice or a way to make it feel easier for new fans to jump into. The official site also confirms certain returning characters, in case you weren’t sure from the casting announcement a few months ago. And with the title behind us now, a (rumored) trailer can’t be that far behind, can it? Or, as satisfying and exciting as this reveal was, are we (me) Star Wars fans just never satiated? Probably. Maybe. Most likely. Either way, prepared to be awoken (sorry) December 18, 2015.

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Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the GalaxyUnlike the previous entries and heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Guardians of the Galaxy doesn’t have a giant built-in fanbase and ease of recognition, so it was seen as a gambit to be making such a film. As an all-star cast and crew grew around the film, and trailers showed the type of irreverent fun, mischief-laden, and space-opera action tone Guardians was going for, fears began to ease. And rightfully so, as I can say GotG is the best of the Marvel films to date, going toe-to-toe with The Avengers.

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Movie Review: X-Men: Days of Future Past

X-Men Days of Future Past

Taking one of the biggest ensemble casts, both in terms of star power and numbers, and using them to adapt one of the most revered storylines in X-Men history has to fail, right? A lot of hopes, from not just fans but the production companies, were riding on X-Men: Days of Future Past. The last two franchise entries, The Wolverine and First Class, were well received, but they weren’t the slamdunks at the box office that 20th Century Fox wanted them to be. With the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Nolan Batman Trilogy raking in the big bucks, Fox had to get something together in the hopes of their keeping the rights to the X-Men franchise viable. Is Days of Future Past the movie they needed? Continue reading “Movie Review: X-Men: Days of Future Past”

Wednesday Overload: J.J. Trolls, Standalone Director, Rebels Clips, Insider Canon

Star Wars logo

Mynock Manor went live just in time it seems! After Monday’s splendid casting announcement, I thought we might be getting a bit of a break. Today proved that wrong when we not only had J.J. respond to all the TMZ set photos leaks of Ep. VII, but also another standalone Star Wars film received a director, two new Rebels clips hit the internet, and SW Insider revealed their (already out) contributions to new canon. Phew, say that five times fast while juggling Jawas atop a krayt dragon.

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Lupita Nyong’o and Gwendoline Christie Join Ep. VII Cast!


Great news, everyone! Oscar winning actress Lupita Nyong’o and Game of Thrones’ Brienne Gwendoline Christie join the cast of Episode VII. Both are talented actresses and I know I’m not the only one excited for them to be in the new movie. While their inclusion helps but doesn’t completely dispel the gender disparity issues which came with the original cast announcement (something people were rightly incensed about), this is definitely a step in the right direction. And, if you aren’t following the reactions on Twitter today, fans are universally happy with Nyong’o’s and Christie’s casting. Continue reading “Lupita Nyong’o and Gwendoline Christie Join Ep. VII Cast!”