Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #9 – Phase III

high republic 9 2023 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

With Baron Boolan’s ship going down and all our heroes, and the villains, still on it, who will make it off alive? And if they do, will it be with who we want them to be with? Find out in my review of the emotional, packed penultimate issue of the series, The High Republic #9 – Phase III! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #9 – Phase III”

The Acolyte Season One Review: “Teach/Corrupt”

acolyte season one review teach corrupt mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review

After the bloodbath of “Night,” The Acolyte‘s sixth episode “Teach/Corrupt” understandably slows things down, as Osha and Mae confront two very different Masters as their past and futures collide. Continue reading “The Acolyte Season One Review: “Teach/Corrupt””

Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Ascension

legendary adventures 124 fate of the jedi ascensionThe Sith decide whether or not to ally with Abeloth and the Galactic Alliance decides on new leadership! But when every alliance is built on lies and subterfuge, who can you trust? And what happens when the greatest secret of all is revealed, and evil itself gains control of the government? Join today’s Legendary Adventures with Fate of the Jedi: Ascension!

Continue reading “Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Ascension”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures – Saber for Hire #3

high republic adventures saber for hire 3 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

In The High Republic Adventures – Saber for Hire #3, Ty Yorrick’s ship and squire are on the lam, so avoiding the situation on Temerancé any further is impossible for the monster hunter, leading her into an even more dangerous situation as the Nihil double their efforts to steal more children, including bringing in a potentially familiar face! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures – Saber for Hire #3”

The Acolyte Season One Review: “Night”

acolyte review night mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review

What follows “Day”? “Night,” of course, the fifth episode of The Acolyte, a breathtaking, action-packed, and utterly memorable entry where the masked Stranger is revealed in a deadly battle and the twins face an important decision. Continue reading “The Acolyte Season One Review: “Night””

Canon Comic Review: Jango Fett #4

jango fett 4 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

After one exceptional issue after another, the biggest question remaining was if Ethan Sacks and Luke Ross could stick the landing with the finale to the Jango Fett miniseries, but it shouldn’t be much of a surprise they did! Find out how in my review! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Jango Fett #4”

Star Wars Comics September 2024 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics September 2024 Solicitations

In the early 2000/2010’s, September always felt big in Star Wars, be it the release of video games, the films on DVD in new cuts, or the premiere of a new season of The Clone Wars, so it only seems fitting the latest era of comics comes to a giant-sized end during said month with issue #50 for Star Wars (Vol. 2) and Darth Vader (Vol. 3). There is an The Acolyte tie-in and another issue of the Inquisitor-focused miniseries from Marvel to enjoy as well, while Dark Horse continues to deliver more High Republic content than fans can hope, so see what’s all in store in September’s 2024 Star Wars comic solicitations!

Continue reading “Star Wars Comics September 2024 Solicitations”

The Acolyte Season One Review: “Day”

acolyte season one day review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review

In “Day,” the fourth episode of The Acolyte‘s first season, the show returns to the series’ present, where Mae and Osha converge on Khofar to track down the Wookiee Jedi Master Kelnacca, but everyone involved gets far more than they bargained for, leading to a memorable cliffhanger that makes next week’s episode feel years away! Continue reading “The Acolyte Season One Review: “Day””

Star Wars & Darth Vader 2020 Series End September 2024

star wars darth vader 50 2020 ending september 2024

After months of speculation, and a year or two sort of feeling it was time, the Star Wars (Vol. 2) and Darth Vader (Vol. 3) series which kicked off in 2020 will come to an end September 2024. They’ll both be large issues, 50 pages for 50 issues of storytelling, to help wrap up their stories and close out the era set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. What comes next? Marvel promises we’ll find out in the coming weeks, but could there be hints in the solicitations for the 50th and final issues of each comic? Or most importantly, what would you like to see? Check out the covers, solicitations, and my hope for what’s next below! Continue reading “Star Wars & Darth Vader 2020 Series End September 2024”

Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #47 (Vol. 3)

darth vader 47 2020 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

After issues of build-up, the Exegol storyline sputters at the finish line in Darth Vader #47 (Vol. 3), but the reveal of what comes next holds potential promise. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #47 (Vol. 3)”