Rancho Obi-Wan Experience Visit (SWCO 2017)

I’ve still yet to make my journey to the Star Wars collecting mecca known as Rancho Obi-Wan, but I was happy to get my chance (much like I did two years ago at Celebration Anaheim 2015) to check out just a small taste of what the non-profit museum has to offer while at Celebration Orlando 2017! While at SWCA there were simply more items, there was more focus to the collections brought this time around, as they set up tributes to both Carrie Fisher and Kenny Baker and also revealed the dream bedroom of Star Wars memorabilia. Photos of these fantastic collections within!

Nothing can quite top the absolutely moving tribute to Carrie Fisher that opened this year’s Celebration, but the oddities from the Rancho vault that honored both Carrie and Kenny Baker aka Artoo were still touching in their own ways. Here’s a couple pictures of those collections:

As for the dream bedroom, I can confirm I was eager to jump over the little dividers and hop into the bed and never leave, so the collection certainly did its job. One of the staffers on hand led me and a few others on an I, Spy hunt for the only item not from 70’s-early 80’s; none of us guessed it and it turned out to be the rug, stylized to look retro. Check out a few choice shots below, including my wideshot that puts the entire scene into focus:

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website @MynockManor.

Rancho Obi-Wan Experience Visit (SWCA 2015)
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Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017 News Roundup Part II: Full Panel Schedules Go Live, Mark Hamill Hosts, Battlefront II, Rancho Obi-Wan, and More!
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