Tag: Alderaan Remnants (comic arc)

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #49 (Vol. 2)

– Spoiler Review –

Leia Organa is in peril from an enemy long thought gone, the fate of her people is unknown again, and Luke Skywalker may be dead…how is this the series’ penultimate issue?! Star Wars #49 (Vol. 2) caps off Leia’s internal struggle journey with a solid resolution to her current problems. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #49 (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #48 (Vol. 2)

– Spoiler Review –

With the trial of Lando Calrissian at an end, the Rebellion looks to focus on the big battles ahead, though Princess Leia finds herself struggling with her heart and her status as a figurehead in Star Wars #48 (Vol. 2), especially as a new crisis hits far too close to home. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars #48 (Vol. 2)”