Tag: Alex Sinclair

Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #4

– Spoiler Review –

As the threat of Grand Moff Adelhard grows, so too does the Imperial Remnant forces’ nefarious plans, so what’s a burgeoning New Republic to do? In The Battle of Jakku: Republic Under Siege #4, the miniseries’ finale but 4 issues remain of the entire maxiseries, we find out if a small strike force is enough to bring Adelhard’s reign to an end or if other forces have their own plans in mind. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #4”

Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #3

– Spoiler Review –

Alliances are strained, built, and reconsidered in Alex Segura’s windy, and as always, fast paced The Battle of Jakku: Republic Under Siege #3. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #3”

Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #2

– Spoiler Review –

Grand Moff Adelhard’s dastardly plans and Doctor Aphra’s role in Luke Skywalker’s journey come to light in The Battle of Jakku: Republic Under Siege #2, the middle issue of the entire maxiseries! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #2”

Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #1

– Spoiler Review –

The Battle of Jakku maxiseries continues in Republic Under Siege #1, where Grand Moff Adelhard considers what allies to bring to his fold, Leia and Mon Mothma debate what’s next in their response to his rise, and Luke Skywalker and Rynn Zenat deal with more Acolytes of the Beyond…and run into a fan-favorite in the process! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #1”

Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #1

– Spoiler Review –

With the future of Marvel’s Star Wars comics still unknown, they’re at least treating us to a big event in the mean time, The Battle of Jakku maxiseries! The Battle of Jakku: Insurgency Rising #1 kicks off the whole thing, setting the stage for the galactic conflict to come as well as the hardships our heroes will face before the big showdown. Find out how it all starts in my review! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #1”

Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #50 (Vol. 3)

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Marvel’s longest running Darth Vader comic comes to an end with its 50th issue, but can it redeem itself for stretching out to get here? Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #50 (Vol. 3)”

Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids #5

– Spoiler Review –

As the Scourge escalates its plans to consume everything, can Ajax and a small squad of droids be enough to end its reign? Or will the galaxy, organic beings included, be forever lost to its hunger? Find out in our review for the finale of the latest crossover event, Dark Droids #5! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids #5”

Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids #4

– Spoiler Review –

Issue #4 is the penultimate issue of the Dark Droids miniseries, and while it doesn’t quite seem like the end should be so near, the escalation of the Scourge’s plans and inevitability of such actions pushes us towards what is sure to be an interesting finale. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids #4”

Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids #3

– Spoiler Review –

As the Scourge makes a desperate attempt to take over the minds on non-droids by invading Darth Vader’s Castle, Ajax Sigma and his free droids make their attack on the entity, resulting in spooky and unsettling good times in Dark Droids #3! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids #3”

Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids #2

– Spoiler Review –

After a successful first month of each series telling its own part of the crossover, the Dark Droids miniseries returns for an illuminating second issue, leaving me invested and on edge for what comes next. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids #2”