Tag: Andor (Season Two)

Andor Season Two Trailer Revolutionizes

While your mileage may vary with the choice of song—I for one am really looking forward to more of Nicholas Britell’s riveting score—there’s no denying the striking and thrilling imagery in Andor‘s season two trailer! Given the excellence Andor climbed in season one, I don’t think we were expecting anything less! I particularly enjoyed Cassian swooping down after the missile strike, seeing Bix Caleen more involved, Krennic’s return, and whatever colorful rave Mon Mothma was in, to name a few of the intriguing glimpses of the show’s return. Set for April 22 (just after Celebration Japan 2025, where I’m sure they’ll show it early), Andor season two will release across four weeks of three episode chunks, as technically the show jumps a year after each set of three episodes, so it sort of makes sense to make them one big movie-like experience. I’d still have loved for it to be weekly, but it’s more Andor, so how can I complain?! I’ll be reviewing them in the three episode chunks once Andor hits our Disney+ using devices in April!

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him and the website on Bluesky.

D23 2024: Skeleton Crew Trailer, Andor Season Two Details, and More!

D23 hasn’t always been the place to go for Lucasfilm announcements or reveals, and it still was pretty subdued this year too (not even an The Acolyte season two announcement?!), but we did get our first public Skeleton Crew trailer, while panel-goers where treated to a sizzle reel for Andor season two and some brief shots from The Mandalorian and Grogu film. We also got a great look at the wild Rebuild the Galaxy LEGO special earlier in the day, so head below for a summary of what we all learned!
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