Tag: Canon Comic Year-in-Review

When a Decade Old You Reach…Look As Good, You Will Not: 2024 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review

June 2024 was the Manor’s 10th Anniversary and January 2025 marks 10 years since Marvel began its run of canon comics and when I started covering them on the site, which both feels not too long ago and somewhat exhaustingly long ago. Compared to the previous 9 years, 2024 felt the most different in the sense it was clear Marvel was setting up to close out all its current runs and stories, while Dark Horse spent 2024 solely focused on carving out their own piece of the larger High Republic storyline, and 2025’s announcements by both publishers pointing to a wider variety of timeline approaches in an attempt to bring something different to the table. Between the ending of the current era of stories and the High Republic initiative set to end mid-2025, it certainly left me thinking about the Manor, its future, and my own goals and plans going forward. While we certainly won’t be closing the Manor’s doors anytime soon (thanks everyone for making 2024 our biggest year yet!), my coverage of the comics and various content will be changing going forward, with less per issue comic reviews and more focus on arc/miniseries reviews, though the door is open for you, dear reader, to join our ranks if you want, not only for comic reviews, but other coverage and opinion pieces too. I’m still very excited for the future of the comics and Star Wars in general, even if the film part of the Saga struggles to make the jump to hyperspace like it’s the Millennium Falcon, but I’m looking to take more time for my family and myself, sitting back a bit more to simply enjoy what’s to come instead of going full critique mode. So as the comics transition into their future, and so does the Manor, let’s look back at the state of Star Wars comics thanks to, for better and worse, 2024’s output.

— Spoilers for comics released in 2024

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A Midwest Goodbye: 2023 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review

I’ve lived my entire life in Wisconsin, so I know a “Midwest Goodbye” when I see one, as I’ve been stuck in them far too often (in fact, I may be writing this while stuck in one, they take that long). This year I did my best to bring one to a close over Thanksgiving, edging slowly to the front door, my feet getting frozen along the way as new conversation engagements came my way, but I still got to the door handle and, over the period of 5 minutes, managed to get it open and finally bring the process to an end. For the era between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, 2023’s Star Wars comics felt like that moment in the hallway by the door, as it’s clear we can’t spend that much more time in this era, but even if you spoke for hours at the event with everyone, suddenly 100 new topics need to be discussed despite you holding all the leftovers your fridge can handle, getting stuffy with a warm winter jacket on while the heat’s cranked up to 74, leaving one to wonder when this event will ever come to a close despite standing at the exit. The era was spiced up with a healthy side of horror by the end of the year, and a few series’ endings were announced, but it still seems like there’s no hope for the exit door opening in 2024 despite another round of goodbyes, though the promise of Prequel-focused stories is a nice change of pace for 2024. 2023 wasn’t all about an era we’ve been in for years now, though those series had some of the most memorable scenes of the year, as the High Republic brought a divisive Phase to a close and blew minds with starting the next, Dark Horse’s anthology explored favorites of all eras, Star Wars: Visions comics kicked off with an artful treat, and characters from Sana Starros to Yoda took center stage in their own series. A Midwest Goodbye only starts because one is with family and friends and, as much as every person involved wants the night to end, you don’t go quietly into the night if you didn’t enjoy your time together. So without further ado, here’s the Star Wars Comics 2023 Year-in-Review!

— Spoilers for comics released in 2023

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Attack of the Crossovers: 2022 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review

2022 saw Star Wars comics commit to the bit of a truly interconnected era, as Qi’ra’s schemes permeated everything set in the same timeframe, to various results, both making the case for and against more highly interlinked on-goings. With different miniseries and one-shots, along with Dark Horse’s return to the fold, plus the end and beginning of different Phases for The High Republic initiative, the comics managed to find other eras and stories to tell for fans looking for something else. But as it doubled down on more stories to intertwine, did 2022 have enough to offer to keep fans eager for more or cautious about what’s next? The answer is up to the reader, but below in my 2022 Star Wars comics year-in-review you’ll find a fair discussion of what’s worked and what’s not regarding such grand schemes, hopes for how it can proceed, and plenty of excellent reminders of why fans come back to panels year after year: Qi’ra telling the galaxy to choke on her hidden empire, Doctor Aphra possessed by an ancient AI, T’onga and Losha pivoting their purpose, the High Republic diving 150 years more into a past meant to enlighten what’s already out and what’s ahead, the Rancor Pit hosting new frightening tales to huddle around a flashlight in the dark with, Obi-Wan regaling adventures in his journal is more exciting than that sounds, and so much more. Head on below for the 2022 Star Wars comics year-in-review now!

— Spoilers for comics released in 2022Continue reading “Attack of the Crossovers: 2022 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review”

High Time You’re Here: 2021 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review

2021 was a unique year for Star Wars comics, as not only did they get back in full swing after the COVID-19 pandemic threw every industry off in 2020 (and is still affecting so many different aspects of our lives as people choose to ignore science), but a big new initiative was set to place the comics in the spotlight for a new era, while another concept would attempt a Marvel superhero-sized crossover story with the rest. Along the way, Qi’ra returned with galaxy-brain sized plans, Boba lost the frozen Han Solo on the way to Jabba’s Palace, the Jedi of the High Republic era battled the Drengir threat and gave out a lot of hugs, Chelli Aphra reunited with Sana Starros much to each other’s chagrin, a spooky nightmare version of young Anakin Skywalker tormented visitor’s to Vader’s Castle on Mustafar, and so much more. It was a wild, packed year for the comics, and many of its biggest swings proved there were plenty of new exciting things to come, while also showing places were improvements were still need. Without further ado, head below for the 2021 Star Wars comics year-in-review!

— Spoilers for comics released in 2021Continue reading “High Time You’re Here: 2021 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review”

New Era/Decade, Who Dis?: 2020 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review

2020 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review Mynock Manor

2020 was a year like no other and it feels weird to be concerned with or spend time thinking back on Star Wars comics, when there were so many more important and impactful moments in our lives, from the rightful explosion of the Black Lives Matter movement over the death of people like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and so many more avoidable lives lost, the rising and still volatile COVID-19 pandemic, made worse by many Americans who chose not to care about other people and ignore scientific warnings, the fires in Australia, and a fight for the future of the United States in a highly politicized election, among many other events and moments. 2020 was going to be a memorable and different year for Star Wars comics regardless, with Marvel relaunching their entire line to a post-The Empire Strikes Back timeframe, but the pandemic closed down distribution for the comics industry and shifted the entire landscape and release schedules, and while we had less content than ever before, the overall results were a promising new beginning to the new era of the tales. Head below for our look back at 2020’s Star Wars comics, where I too brought about some changes for the new decade’s first yearly roundup.

— Spoilers for comics released in 2020Continue reading “New Era/Decade, Who Dis?: 2020 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review”

The End of An Era: 2019 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review

2019 Star Wars Comics Year in Review
As the decade came to a close, and Marvel went on overload with their content, from the varied Age of Star Wars maxiseries to some middling tie-ins and miniseries, 2019 looked to have no real end in sight…right up until Marvel announced the end of all its series in an effort to relaunch for the next decade. IDW marched along regardless, solid in its content and quality, not changing much as it approached the new decade, with highlights like Return to Vader’s Castle and their Annual 2019 providing all-ages readers with true joy. With Marvel ending its first “Phase” and the Skywalker Saga coming to a close, 2019 will be memorable for all sorts of reasons, some better than others, so head below the cut for my Star Wars Comics Year-in-Review, where I look at the ups and downs of endings, reveal my Top 5 moments, and some hopes/fears for 2020!

— Spoilers for comics released in 2019Continue reading “The End of An Era: 2019 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review”

Change is Something, Alright: 2018 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review

2018 Star Wars Comics Year in ReviewChange seeped into every aspect of the comics in 2018, from series like Poe Dameron and Darth Vader – Dark Lord of the Sith ending, Doctor Aphra exploding into a new year of storytelling, IDW’s fun miniseries like Tales from Vader’s Castle, and the beginning of a new maxiseries, “Age of Star Wars.” Change also came to aspects behind-the-scenes, with a Marvel editor shake-up that has led to some dubious decisions, while I’ve personally had to adjust how I cover the comics thanks to some fantastic new life changes. Head below the cut to see my 2018 Star Wars Comics Year-in-Review, where I look at the ups and downs of a year full of change, my Top 5 moments of the year, and hopes/fears for 2019!

— Spoilers for comics released in 2018 — Continue reading “Change is Something, Alright: 2018 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review”

Always Two There Are: 2017 Star Wars Comics Year-in-Review

2017 Marvel Star Wars ComicsWith 2017 in the books, there’s plenty to discuss and dissect from its Star Wars comics, as not only did Marvel have plenty to offer fans, like a beat-every-expectation second Darth Vader series, Doctor Aphra‘s adventures went in directions not even I hoped, and the Star Wars mainline series changed writer hands, but the biggest news was how they weren’t going to be alone anymore: IDW joined the fray with its younger marketed Adventures series. But how has Marvel and IDW’s combined 80 issues of 2017 fared, what were their triumphs and failures, lessons and hardships? Without further ado, my 2017 Star Wars Comics Year-In-Review, while operating a little differently this year, will look back at what did and didn’t work, reveal my top 5 moments list with too many to pick from, and include some hopes and fears for 2018.

— Spoilers for comics released in 2017 — Continue reading “Always Two There Are: 2017 Star Wars Comics Year-in-Review”

Marvel Strikes Back: 2016 Star Wars Comics Year-in-Review

Marvel Star Wars Comics 2016As 2016 comes to a close, Marvel’s second year at the helm of the comics included the unforgettable end of the Darth Vader series, the start of Doctor Aphra (the first series lead by an original comic character), an interesting revelation about Anakin during the early days of Obi-Wan’s training, Han Solo in the race of his life, the “Rebel Women Kick Ass in Jail” arc, Poe Dameron’s charming antics, and so much more. Overall, how does the 56 issues of their second year hold up? Better than the first year’s content? In my Star Wars Comics 2016 Year-In-Review below, I’ll show you what I believe did and didn’t work, reveal my Top 5 moments of 2016, and share some fears and hopes for 2017.

Mild spoilers for all the comics released in 2016 — Continue reading “Marvel Strikes Back: 2016 Star Wars Comics Year-in-Review”

Marvel’s Back: 2015 Star Wars Comics Year-in-Review

Marvel Star Wars Comics 2015In 2015 Marvel returned to Star Wars comics, wrestling control from Dark Horse after its nearly 25 year run. Unlike its first go-around, every tale Marvel planned on telling would be canon, supervised much more carefully by the Lucasfilm Story Group, as well as scrutinized by fans of Dark Horse’s work and Star Wars fans in general. As Marvel’s first year back comes to a close, 58 issues later (all pictured above!), how has their return to Star Wars comics fared? In my Star Wars Comics 2015 Year-In-Review, I look back at what did (there’s a lot) and didn’t work (there’s not too much), name my top 5 favorite moments, and share a few of my thoughts (i.e. hopes, fears, and possible fixes) for 2016’s comics.

Mild spoilers for all the comics released in 2015 —

Continue reading “Marvel’s Back: 2015 Star Wars Comics Year-in-Review”