Tag: Children of the Storm (comic arc)

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #4 – Phase III

– Spoiler Review –

With the notorious Lourna Dee in custody and the Ataraxia in hand, Jedi Master Keeve Trennis and her team jump behind the deadly Nihil Stormwall to try and find Sskeer, her former Master, but will they like what they uncover? Familiar faces and strange alliances make for an entertaining The High Republic #4 – Phase III! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #4 – Phase III”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #3 – Phase III

– Spoiler Review –

Lourna Dee on the run and news of Sskeer’s potential survival pull at Jedi Master Keeve Trennis’ priorities…which will she choose?! Find out in my review of the exhilarating The High Republic #3 – Phase III! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic #3 – Phase III”